They cannot digest milk for the same reason as humans that are lactose intolerant. Non-dairy milk is a whole other thing, with their own concerns for health effects on cats.
They cannot digest milk for the same reason as humans that are lactose intolerant. Non-dairy milk is a whole other thing, with their own concerns for health effects on cats.
While true that they could have searched on the internet, in the time it took you to berate them you could given them am answer.
Also, this is Lemmy, you should have said “you can DDG it”.
Someone close enough to be expected to gift, but distant enough to not know them well and only know “they like techy stuff”.
Like, I get that it isn’t the best gift for OP, and I dont presume to know their relational status with the gift giver, but there are plenty of ways this could be a well-intentioned thoughtful gift that just didn’t hit the mark…
Yeah, but drop a pot on hardwood you might get a scuff or dent, while dropping a pot on tile might crack or shatter the tile.
I was thinking the same thing, but I’m an American with limited knowledge of the social situations in Europe. Would someone explain the situation better for me? What are the pressures forcing people to make dangerous trips like that? I know refugee displacement is an issue, but that doesn’t explain an illegal crossing of the channel to me, compared to staying somewhere in France for example?
Dr. Tran in “Mister, Dr. Tran Murder Dr. Tran”
Reread the comment above you, because they are claiming the opposite of what you’re thinking
It is difficult to make new friends when prioritizing the second desire, or at least takes a lot more trial and error, or luck, to find other people comfortable with that.
Windows Registry
I had recurring issues with registering Bluetooth devices, where they would pair initially but refuse to connect again after a reboot. I couldn’t remove the device from saved connections, and registry edits wouldn’t save or persist. I’d have to completely uninstall the driver, change the registry, and reinstall the drivers, with restarts between each step, to get it to work for 1-2 days.
Now, having to troubleshoot isn’t what turned me away from Windows to Linux. I knew I would run into that plenty on Linux as well, but I came to hate the registry. If I was going to have to go through all this trouble to get things to work, I might as well do it on a system I had more control over. I had worked with different distros on VMs and dual booting before, so when I built a new system, I just skipped Windows entirely.
In addition, be sure to supplement their diet with the occasional human leg
Ominous blimp noises approaching from the distance
Passing at 140km/h, or 227km/h?
Those weren’t any of the points that I brought up. And are poor arguments against telling people their options.
It shouldn’t be pushed on people, but it should be talked about to give people more choice and agency in their home computing.
They never said that there aren’t trans vegans, they said that they have witnessed a subset of vegans spouting transphobia online with claims from those same vegans that hormone therapies weren’t vegan. They did not make a claim one way or the other about it themself.
I fail to see the equivalency between “murder a bunch of people” and “a bunch of people are no longer allowed in a luxury resort”.
You could have written “sorry, watching a movie right now” and then stop responding or reading messages they send you.
Hell, even if you remove the “sorry” part of the message. At a certain point, you need to take accountability for how you write messages, despite being in a bad place mentally at the moment. Maybe they were frustrating you by continuing to message you while you were busy (and it does sound like they had prior knowledge you were busy with a movie), but it also requires that you were continuing to engage with them despite being frustrating. Nothing was preventing you from simply not responding until the movie was over.