And your body is the “collateral damage” in that war.
(Any/Comrade, Tankie for the unserious)
Marxist-Leninist with Meowist leanings (cat supremacy, but love all animals)
Labor organizer. USian.
Scientist, experience in vaccines/drug delivery/chemistry/analytics/biochemistry/protection of eggs dropped from tall structures
And your body is the “collateral damage” in that war.
I think it’s just missing a bit of specificity.
Building more bike lanes will reduce traffic.
Building more bus lanes will reduce traffic.
Building more tram lines will reduce traffic.
Building more car lanes will reduce induce traffic.
Not perfect, but solid logic within reason (Building 100 more bus lanes will reduce traffic).
I’ve seen those orange ones, but was never much of a fan. The demonstrators are beautiful though. There’s nothing quite like seeing a beautiful ink sloshing around inside.
I slept on the kaweco sport, but when I finally got one, it quickly became my everyday. I got a transparent body and fill the body directly with ink like an oil tanker ready to defile the ocean within my pocket, then lube the threads with petroleum jelly. Not a single leak.
Iconic style, affordable, ink lasts forever, one of the most reliable, smoothest gold bibs came with it, and it’s comfortable to write with. I love that pen and wish I had as many chances to use it these days as I did in the past. Unfortunately, my writing at work is almost entirely digital now.
What the fuck, that had to be a trip! Either watch order would suck: ruin your mood before Totoro or get blindsided by the second feature.
It happens constantly in the US too.
They teach us about roundabouts in driver’s education or at least the written tests to get a license. Most of us just shouldn’t be allowed to drive without additional training at this point. Laws are suggestions and when the car can’t go straight and fast without inhibition, it breaks our brains.
Helping her develop coping skills. These cannot come from you, but from her. You just help maintain and adjust home life to them. They can look like…problem: never being able to find what she is looking for. Solution: things get one place they are allowed to go and that is where it lives (eg: shoes by the door, pencil/pen in a drawer or bucket, keys on a keyring by the door, tools in a toolbox). Hell, I’ve found my keys in the fridge before. I can’t tell you how much it drives me nuts not being able to find my tools and then my kids used them and left them in their rooms.
Sometimes these coping mechanisms are socially-based. Sitting down at the same time in a designated spot everyday to do homework with someone else until it’s done (enough for the day). That used to be me for my kids, now it’s a friend who is also ADHD whom they worked out a method that works for both of them. Some of the things seem silly, but matter greatly, like the environment that something is done in being very important in helping guide that focus. Again, let her guide that, because it varies by person. She may want something on in the background like music or a show. Let that happen, but it shouldn’t be a visual distraction or need any sort of constant maintenance to continue (eg: a playlist, not being able to see the screen, but can hear a familiar show playing, not one that she hasn’t seen before). Ask her and let her guide it, but help ensure that the visual stimulus or the need to keep queuing up a new song isn’t there.
Elementary and maybe even middle school tends to be easier for ADHD kids, then they hit a wall in middle/high school when the class structure changes. Meet with the school counselor and (US specific) set up a 504 plan asap (accomodations outside school policy). This can be the ability to take breaks, listen to music in class, being able to take a test in a different environment (such as without other kids in a library or office), have more time for test-taking. This is something she will also need to decide.
You may be hesitant about stimulants and other ADHD meds, but for many ADHD people, they are life-changing. It feels like getting your life back after it was taken away, so they are worth exploring. They aren’t all limited to stimulants and can be safer for younger children such as guanfacine/intuniv. Even with stimulants such as methylphenidate derivatives, these meds can help regulate many things other than just “attention”. They can help with maintaining sleep schedules and often are found to be more effective at regulating mood than typical depression meds like SSRIs.
The struggles to fit into a world not built for ADHD people can be a major contributor to depression. It makes me think of myself and others as addicts searching for their next fix of dopamine at times. If you don’t help regulate this, she WILL develop other methods to do this: alternative stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine or escape methods such as social media, video games, tv, fiction stories. When she hits middle school, you’ve lost the battle and she will have access to these things through other kids. It’s part of why you see some ADHD people turn to cigarettes/vapes or drinking caffeine from the beginning of the day until they go to bed. These low levels of stimulants help them regulate everything going on in their head and function in a world not built to accommodate them. When we can’t do that, many of us turn to methods to escape reality or get small rewards-based dopamine fixes. You will not be able to eliminate all of these alternatives that can become pitfalls and unhealthy, but you can help her get meds that fill the same need so those other things don’t become actual problems and can be consumed in a healthy way.
There is little you can probably say to help her besides just listening to her, maybe show her this post to start? There is a lot you can do to hurt her and her image of herself that will seem innocuous to you or might be said in frustration. I suggest reading through what others have said about what they are told. The most recent thing for me was having a boss say he believed ADHD was over diagnosed and overhyped these days when I was trying to let him know I was ADHD and how he could use that to the benefit of both of us. This was coming from someone with a child on the autism spectrum, so not something I expected. My mother unintentionally hurt me by trying to encourage me when I was young, saying that I could do and accomplish anything I wanted. This was kind, but when reality hits and I struggle to do seemingly simple things or live up to her great expectations that were not real and only built up in my mind through my youth, it leaves me with a deep sense of shame.
The best thing you can do is listen to her and let her know you accept her for who she is and what she chooses to do with her life and that you will love her regardless of anything she does or does not accomplish in life. Let her know that your love is not tied to her worth as society (school, work, movies, fiction) defines it and that those societal expectations are not realistic to human existence. When she comes to you to show-off something she is proud of her work on, let her know you are proud of her for that work too.
It’s doing something for someone else vs doing it for you. For some people, it can serve as a “hack” to engage the hyperfocus.
Aside from stimulants and therapy, learning to live with ADHD is about developing seemingly abnormal coping skills to overcome the barriers it presents. Looks weird from the outside, but it makes total sense to that person because they know it engages something within them that won’t engage under normal circumstances.
It sucks to use and I hate it, but if someone starts doing the thing I’ve been struggling to do, that can engage my ability to do it because I’m doing it so they don’t have to…such as cleaning up one of my messes. Maybe you can use this too?
Seconded on Smart Tube TV. Frankly, it works better than ublock on Firefox most days as YT doesn’t go out of its way to slow it down.
There are good filtering systems you can get to add to your sink or water supply. At most you’re looking at a couple hundred for something that will last years. The water in plastic bottles is not immune to leeching things from the bottles as well, but I guess it’s a matter of weighing which you prefer.
I had a similar thing happen with an ex when we were dating as teenagers. She had one of her friends call and leave a voicemail pretending to be a nurse telling me my SO had died as the result of an accident while visiting friends in another town. They left me believing this for days.
These types of people are best to cut from your life and avoid at all costs. This is only the beginning of their torturous acts.
Aerogel. Always seemed like it would have an interesting texture.
Aspartame cures cancer, but only when ingested in soda.
Pi equals exactly 3.
The most effective, universal vaccine is based on asbestos.
Or how they have trillions to spend on war, but that money can’t be found when people are starving and living in the streets.
It’s amazing how many men still miss this too!
“If you can’t truly be a good, supportive, platonic friend to her with no secret ulterior motive, maybe you don’t deserve her. Maybe you need to take a look at not only how you treat women, but how you think about them.”
Most straight men have a lot of patriarchal shit they need to work out within themselves that contribute to them being bad partners.
Easy solution: don’t go. You’re leaving, you don’t owe them your time.
I was in the same boat.
Spent all day cooking and listening to podcasts/music. Invited a friend over for dinner like usual and she said she couldn’t come until it was late and well past dark, which was very unusual. Then she told me she was at a Superbowl party and that was how I found out what was going on.
Only way things could have been better is if I had D&D with the food.