The tradition in japan is to level a house and build a new one. It was explained to me that very few have multigenerational single family dwellings. This would increase cost.
The tradition in japan is to level a house and build a new one. It was explained to me that very few have multigenerational single family dwellings. This would increase cost.
I would say nice troll but you are probably serious.
I don’t think Europe is playing at all.
Trump is gambling with monopoly money.
They, those around me found out that every time they brought up the orange tumor I would point out he was a russian agent. Let them learn to be quiet.
Even better I’ll just put for or five cans of this beer up here to cool faster.
With only the occasional abandoned strip mine.
Those assholes have used that word so much its lost all meaning.
Not in 2014 and not now. I remember how no one understood in my circles what it meant when they booted out putins puppet.
All cats are thinking “I deserve this”. Unless they are in trouble.
That is definitely the I’m gonna shit in your shoes look.
NATO will kick us to the curb and rise to the challenge. We will need them one day and they will say no.
When a loser knows they will lose they will delay.
I’m pretty sure I could drain him til he died again.
You finally have a reason and just go with it.
Every nation is a few, one or two failed harvests from starvation. China already relies on imports to make up their shortfalls in food production. Without those imports the people will starve. In a war those shipments will be disrupted. If the war drags on people will starve in china. As always it wont be the elite that starve. It will be the lowest. You want a revolution. Thats how you get a revolution.
From what I understand china is just one major world disruption from mass starvation. Starving people don’t care about social credits. The US isn’t much better off in that regard.
The ICC sent pooty poot to his room.
Movin on.
What if the population is stabilizing? Unlimited growth is death. Anyone who thinks differently hasn’t looked at how life works. That a population that undergoes a huge increase crashes due to starvation and disease. This is observable from bacteria to humans. It could be Japan is entering a stable period where needs and resources are predictable and known. Sounds like a higher standard of living to me. The downside is the huge geriatric population will need more and more resources until that situation becomes part of the new stable norm.
Stagnant is how a capitalist mindset sees it. They can’t stand that since their scam depends on unlimited growth. So of course any take on this from the stand point of greed would think its a terrible thing for a population to shrink to fit its resources not keep growing to allow ever increasing profits.