I googled big iron. I still don’t understand what you two are talking about, don’t blame me.
The first time I crossed the border into Oregon years ago and started pumping my own gas, the attendant came out shouting “Hey! What are you doing?” As someone that had never heard of this law in either state, I was about as confused as you could possibly be, because this obviously seemed like a trick question.
If you want to get shit done for good, the ending to Max Payne 3. Tears.
Wait until you have to merge dishwasher loading preferences into a single save file.
Totally agree, the right to choose how best to spend your own charitable donations isn’t something I’d ever infringe on.
I fully agree with not limiting themselves financially whether it’s 1,10,100 etc. Their aim is to bring knowledge in all languages to even the poorest parts of the world. If some Lemmy user’s bank account is one of the poorest parts of the world right now, lol…I mean only “you” know how much money you can stand to give while still living comfortably and being entertained in life.
I have to take small disagreement with the money contribution not making a difference though. It’s the flip side of the same coin that tells people it’s find if they don’t vote cause their one vote won’t make a difference. The hole in the argument is that we don’t vote alone, and we don’t donate alone. The specific attitude “my vote won’t make a difference” actually costs millions of votes every year, just like “my $20 won’t make a difference” could cause millions of dollars of losses.
But anyway, separate argument from the situation here as our Lemmiford here sounds like they’re in saving mode till things look up.
Have you ever played Raid: Shadow Legends?
Are you talking about how babby is formed?
You hold up your draft card and burn it.
We will now manufacture cars where the turn signal causes the horn to blow at the same time, but it sounds like a boat horn and fire comes out the exhaust.
A behavioral health company with 25 iPads deployed to field employees as patient data collection devices all signed into the same iCloud account instead of using MDM or anything.
They all had the same screen lock PINs and though most of the data was stored in a cloud based service protected by a login, that app’s password was saved by default.
Stop caring. There is nobody you could be that will please everybody, and if there was…there’d be nothing of you left as you morphed to fit the situation and company around you. Just be yourself and ignore their passive aggressive BS or avoid if possible.
(yes, it is that simple but still harder than it sounds. Ask yourself “Do I need to give a shit about this?” and the answer will usually be no.)
I’m a 1 but the apple would be morphing into different types and then the image would zoom in on patterns or what the bottom looks like etc. It would then shift to something totally unrelated like Sonic the Hedgehog. Why him? Your guess is as good as mine. There’s a lot going on up there and it’s noisy and constantly under construction.
To your question though, of course I don’t watch them, I skip around to the good parts.
As I was first scrolling, I read this title as “Passive Aggressive Sandals” and now that’s all I choose to think about.
Crocs unabashedly WITH socks, right in your face.
I guess so!
Yup. We also might come from the “step on a crack, break your mother’s back” generation?
Oh, that is absolutely correct. Texas is so different from California, which is so different from New York, which is so different from Florida which is so different than Massachusetts, etc. forever.
California would be the sixth largest economy in the world if it was its own country.