Thumbkey, Samsung built in when I need a gif.
Thumbkey, Samsung built in when I need a gif.
I’m not sure if this would work, it would definitely be more of a hassle if it does, but can you install Veeam B&R community edition and use it’s agent to do a backup, or does that really only work on VMs?
For me, I use gift cards I receive as a test of the person that gave it. Someone I consider a collegue but not friend giving me a gift card to a place I like instantly makes me think they value me more than I thought. Person I consider a friend gives me a gift card instead of a gift, depending on the occasion, makes me think they like me, but can’t be bothered to put too much effort in, or are just doing because they feel obligated.
The only ones I’ve seen expire in the US are the VISA ones but those are basically debit cards.
I’ve got one progam that I need for work that I cannot get to run on Linux. I’ve tried WINE on both Ubuntu and Zorin (and winlator for android). I have the installer exe file and try to launch with WINE but then nothing happens. Is that a program problem, WINE limitation, or something else? Is there a different program I should try to launch it?
I might call the non-emergency line for things, like if my car was stolen or house broken into. I think the only time I’d call the emergency line is if I felt actively in danger.
Calling the police is a lot like firearm training, never call them on something you don’t intend to kill.
I agree it’s annoying, but I’ve been using temp-mail for accounts I’ll only ever use once and mysudo for accounts I’ll need longer and it’s been working well. Except ticketmaster doesn’t accept voip numbers for your phone.
Makes me want the username American Ninja Worrier.
And then they go after Tom Morello without realizing he has a political science degree.
I think the idea there is that the whole Class B private range starts at 172.16.0.x so it’s unlikely, that any hotel you’re at would be using 172.16.42.x because it’s so far irom the start of that range unless it’s a chain that needs to keep its ranges separate between sites for VPN or documentation reasons.
Basically, seeing 172.16.42.x doesn’t inherently mean something’s wrong, and I’m sure people using the pineapple for nefarious reasons would be smart enough to change its default LAN, but if you see it, maybe be more cautious.
Dark Sun is a fantastic album.
I went to StartPage personally.
Well, they caught someone.