the year is a super large time
Not when you’re old… I’ll be 50 this year, they’re flying by.
the year is a super large time
Not when you’re old… I’ll be 50 this year, they’re flying by.
Unless I expect to see it, I cannot see it.
I don’t know if it’s a gift or a curse, but around my house, I’m the only one who can find anything - but it’s not because I scan the room and see it, but because at some point in the past, I happened to notice, and I just remember where nearly everything is, whether I want to or not. I guess it’s my coping mechanism.
In my 20s, I (a guy) briefly dated a girl who was hopelessly infatuated with a gay guy. I guess technically it wasn’t a triangle because the gay guy had a pretty serious boyfriend, so more of a quadrangle… She got in between them, got him drunk & got herself knocked up, he “did the right thing” and married her, had another kid, then they got divorced after he had an affair with a guy…
It’s funny, I have her friended on Facebook, mostly because the drama is often entertaining, but I usually keep my comments to myself. When the divorce happened, she made this long post that basically said “woe is me, how could this have happened?” I couldn’t resist responding with “maybe because you married a gay guy?”
What even is plain text anymore? If you mean ASCII, ok, but that leaves out a lot. Should it include a minimal utf-8 detector? Utf-16? The latest goofy encoding? Should zcat duplicate the functionality of file? Generally, unix-like commands do one thing, and do it well, combining multiple functions is frowned upon.
How do you propose zcat tell the difference between an uncompressed file and a corrupted compressed file? Or are you saying if it doesn’t recognize it as compressed, just dump the source file regardless? Because that could be annoying.
Or, it might be because some communities silence those who use certain words, regardless of context, and this person is trying to avoid that…
And why is it an insult? Because nobody wants to be seen as intellectually disabled. No matter what new words we make up, mean people will always use them to make other people feel bad. It’s not the words, it’s the ideas behind them.
My commodore 64 laughs at the false dichotomy.
I have this vague memory of one of the CSIs showing a list of IP addresses with 4-digit octets… I get not wanting to risk using real IP addresses, but at least use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x x
Self-driving cars are safer, in general, overall - it’s just that the specific cases in which they fail are different from anything a (halfway competent and alert) person would fail at.
Gravity, is natural, no?
Whoa… Bad choice of words…
Or great, depends on what you were going for…
If you want to confuse people… I pronounce /etc as “ets”, but one of my coworkers recently called it “slash e t c” and I had to ask him to repeat it a couple times before I figured out what he meant…
Have you ever tried catching flies? Vinegar works better than honey, after all, flies eat shit.
Once upon a time, there was a Linux distro that would fit on a single floppy, it was intended for system rescue, diagnostics, that sort of thing…
I don’t think the OS was sophisticated enough to tell the difference… A drive letter is a drive letter…
As I recall, my windows 95 CD-ROM contained a bunch of floppy-sized .cab files in a folder, so it’s entirely possible it was available as a set of floppies…
Now I want to do this at my job… I actually have a box of 5.25" floppies somewhere…
Minor nitpick, it’s not friction, its compression. The air can’t move out of your way fast enough, so you push it ahead of you, and as more air gets smooshed together, it gets hotter.