Nah I just got sent to the principals office for being “purposely distracting” to other students.
Some teachers shouldn’t have their jobs.
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Nah I just got sent to the principals office for being “purposely distracting” to other students.
Some teachers shouldn’t have their jobs.
“just sit still” said to me by pretty much every teacher my entire life.
I’m not sure what teachers should do with chronic leg jigglers and fidgety people, but telling them to just sit still was not a winner lol.
Guy notorious for lying consistently is sure to keep his word this time!
Fucking idiots.
I just wish I would actually remember names. My brain only seems to “save” the first letter of their name and then it just goes “well the rest of this name is clearly irrelevant data” and it just get tossed.
Removed by mod
My little brother said the same thing. I think you’re both right. Clearly that wasn’t enough to push the deal through though.
You don’t need to merge with Nissan to do that if you’re Honda. Just buy out their design team. Much cheaper lol.
Edit: spelling
Honestly thank God.
I was really worried about how this was only going to drag down Honda.
I used to love Nissan. They made several of my dream cars.
Unfortunately it’s been quite some time since they made anything very good imo.
Currently have a reputation of meh reliability and meh driving experience.
They don’t offer anything to entice someone away from Toyota or Honda.
I hope Nissan can come back but idk how they do that without a serious overhaul of their whole business from the ground up.
Criminal presidents are so in right now.
Jokes aside I know why they paint things the way they do lol.
The lighter underside and darker topside is consistent in nature as well as our military vehicles for a very obvious reason. Birds almost always have lighter feathers on their belly and darker on top.
Even in the water you will see similar color choices from many creatures. Them fuckers are always trying to avoid being seen.
Yeah but the enemy will be expecting planes that are painted to look like ground. They should paint them blue to confuse the enemy. Make them think they have lots of plane shaped ponds.
Why use ground colored camo for machine that operates in sky? Silly painters.
Yeah 90% of my Audio book listening was fine during dishes and other chores. Problem is those tasks are even better with music so I just end up not “reading” much anymore.
I have done that so many times. Even with whole movies. Someone will ask me if I have seen it and I’ll say no and then about 15 minutes in I start having constant deja-vu moments until I realize that I have already seen it I just wiped it from memory for whatever reason lol.
I pretty much only read fantasy growing up. I still only try to read fantasy although I did really enjoy “how to build a car” by Adrian Newey. If anyone even sorta into F1 or motorsports at all I would highly recommend that book.
But yeah mostly fantasy books.
I could read endlessly as a kid. But now when I start reading my mind wanders almost instantly. I have found audio books to be slightly better, but even then it’s a struggle at time. I have to start chapters over or rewind somewhat frequently. I wish I could turn off the part of my brain that jumps tracks so effortlessly.
Because the best way to show love is to hit things. That’s what my uncle always says.
They are still gonna miss most things at range because they set them up in vertical rows with set gaps. Should have had each new layer aimed at the gaps between the lower layers.
6/10 could have been better.
What are they gonna start a major war with? Their one “functional” 5th Gen “stealth” fighter that has the radar cross section of a Boeing 747 and no replacement parts?
They gonna start shitting out t-34s again like it’s WW2?
They have lost the majority of their best vehicles and their trained soldiers.
If nukes didn’t exist they would already have been obliterated by now.
Yeah there’s fidgety and then there’s leg jiggling so aggressively that the entire row of desks is moving and I’m not even noticing because I am so focused on what I am writing down.
Also in adulthood I was finally properly diagnosed with “moderate to severe ADHD”. Probably should have done that in highschool when I told my parents but what are you gonna do. Can’t change the past.