Good luck with that! Source: I’m Dutch…
Good luck with that! Source: I’m Dutch…
Also a way to gauge our response
Actually, yes. It happens quite often that the papers print that someone was arrested or stands trial but claims to be innocent.
Yes, I recommend the book as well. Don’t ask me why though. I tried quitting smoking many times using many different methods but always failed. On a whim I got the Alan Carr book and read it. I read it in bursts over a month or two. There was nothing interesting in there. Nothing I didn’t already know. I finished it and quit smoking. The next day I relapsed and smoked again. I reread the last few chapters and quit again, this time using nicotine patches. I quit the patches within a day because they made me feel sick. I never smoked again. It’s been 7-ish years and I haven’t had any inclination to smoke again. It went from one of the hardest things to one of the easiest things to do. I don’t care if people smoke around me, it doesn’t bother me anymore. I still don’t know why the book works, but it did for me.
I got that exact one too! It was way better than the Voodoo 3DFX cards.
It’s important to have some context though. Because it the Japanese libs are like the Australian libs then it is very different than e.g. the western European libs.
There’s worse. Ever heared of FOOF? https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/things-i-won-t-work-dioxygen-difluoride
Imgur seems to think it’s a sexual image 😆
Periodically rotating passwords is against NIST policy. Ask IT why the insist on using it when everyone, even the government, says it’s insecure
Not sure. Either my 1890s mailman cap, my medieval nasal helmet or my cowboy hat.
That title is even worse than Disney’s real claim, which is impressive
I’m Dutch, exactly a Kapsalon yes 🤤
Kebab, cheese, garlic sauce and lettuce
I was well into my 40’s when my kid was born, so I’ve had it both ways. I vastly prefer the kid. Yes it sucks to not being able to do some stuff on occasion. It even sucks more that my parents are gone so I have a real hard time finding babysitters. But I just love the little one so damn much!
I don’t know, but I am scared for the future. It’s also worrying how popular far right is under the youth. I worry about my little kids growing up …
The time to fix that is before and during the primaries. When you’re in the booth with a choice between a Democrat and a Republican, the choice should be obvious
Probably still better than the fascist GOP alternatives though
If you don’t pay for it, you can’t rely on it
That’s friggin’ awesome! 😄