Not sure how to link to other subs, but this looks like it begins in Accidental Renaissance
Not sure how to link to other subs, but this looks like it begins in Accidental Renaissance
House cat, for sure.
I’m feeling big “connect with my people” vibes so so far I’ve made my sister and her family dinner, baked some cookies for clients tomorrow, will host a Friendsgiving this weekend, and have a dinner set with friends to discuss building an intentional community. Not world-changing but things ripple…
Is the new fad of AI worth the environmental impact?
ShareWaste. You can sign up that you have a compost pile or chicken to feed, etc, and people with food scraps can find places to “donate” to! I have 3 or 4 regular contributers to my compost pile!
Help us, Saint Larry Csonka.
And I will never ever ever ever ever write a song about the Sibby.
The do this on purpose. Chelsea Fagan from The Financial Diet had a great video about this