Used to be for sure, but lost its importance when Finland joined. Also if things go the way they are going now, Russia will lose Kaliningrad in a decade or two.
Used to be for sure, but lost its importance when Finland joined. Also if things go the way they are going now, Russia will lose Kaliningrad in a decade or two.
Yeah we do, it’s called the Suwałki Gap. Any other country can become a target now that US doesn’t give a fuck.
We already have that in multiple places
It isn’t an opinion it is a straight lie.
Poland will have its borders even if it’s on the last map of humankind
The old guard has lived for hundreds of years. It’s naive to think someone new will come along as if the old guard isn’t the ones keeping all the keys to the castle. Especially with the US and the literal politician dynasties like Kennedys, Clintons, Bushes and others.
What does he need to “flesh out”? The dems won’t let anyone in outside of the “establishment”. It needs to be entirely torn down to actually listen to people voting for em
No, it isn’t. But acting as if democrats were / are willing to change and listen to the people is extremely naive. That’s the reason Bernie Sanders was never allowed to be a candidate despite being one of the most popular dems out there. There needs to be a third way / party that does better and claws out the democrats from ever being able to win.
The ceasefire agreement was the exact same as it was in October when it was rejected. And not by Palestine. Trump sent envoys a month before the Gaza ceasefire happened. This isn’t Biden who got it.
Fix what exactly? It isn’t that the democrats are a new party that suddenly popped into existence for the last election. They’ve been doing this shit forever.
So far the bigger evil has secured a working ceasefire and people aren’t dying to those bombs at the moment. Which is infinitely better than “genocide is ongoing”.
Nothing to do there implies there are no resources. Which is untrue, and the reason why the US wants it. “National security” just sounds better to a random dude.
This isn’t bait but you do you.
Alright then point out where I said something untrue. Prove me wrong instead of being obtuse for no reason.
Moving the goalposts now aren’t we? First of all, I’m not a fan of Trump. I just don’t deepthroat Biden just because he has a “D” next to his name. I just give credit where it’s due - orange man got a ceasefire.
Nope, better to not care about issues in a country that’s an ocean away from you and has absolutely no bearing on your life. Again, the world doesn’t revolve around the US.
Do you have any arguments to show it was Biden or do you just go on what you think happened and ignore anything else? Address what I said in my post, otherwise I’ll just treat you as a weak troll. Hate Trump or not, the reality is he got a ceasefire, not Biden.
Trying to doesn’t mean succeeding. People don’t give two fs about what happens in the US. And they won’t suddenly start caring when you throw in a few “they’re nazis!” in there.
“Read a book” - sure, let’s read something. How about the fact that Trump’s envoy visited Gaza like 10 days before. How about the fact that Biden did fuckall for the entirety of the time about it. How about the fact that the deal is the exact same as the one that Israel rejected in November.
But sure, it was Biden (who literally called himself a zionist, who literally promised his daddy to support Israel no matter what), he just really wanted a few more months of genocide before Israel was kindly asked to cut the shit and decided to stop. And he did it on the very last few days of the presidency, just for the memes.
He literally comes from an order that does that shit, what are you on about.