A little disappointed that it doesn’t have a butthole.
A little disappointed that it doesn’t have a butthole.
Funny story. LG made something with a similar concept about 10 years ago and it never really took off. The LG G5 was a modular smart phone that was supposed to have a bunch of cool modules, but they never came to fruition.
I had one, but mostly because I loved having a swappable battery. Never had to charge my phone, I would just have a spare battery charging on my desk and I would swap it out before I left the house.
Not networked and running on some legacy-as-fuck software. Saw quite a bit of this working in hospitals. You would be surprised how many medical devices are still running Windows XP.
Just learned this in another thread so I’m stealing it and dropping it here.
To install/run it pop open Powershell as admin and run:
irm christitus.com/win | iex
It’s like Ninite on steroids. Install apps, OS tweaks, debloat, and more from one little app. This is going to me by go-to any time I reinstall Windows.
Check out WizTree, it does the same thing as WinDirStat but is leagues faster. Like not just “this is faster”, like “holy shit that was fast”
Also WizTree sounds like you are whizzing on a tree. Or maybe your some kind of tree wizard. Either way it’s great.
Hmm, yes, “eraser head”… That’s what I call it too.
I definitely don’t call it the mouse clit. Who would call it that?
Certainly not me.
It’s HR. That’s basically their job. They pretend they are there to protect the employees, but they are mostly there to protect the company.
First time was an honest mistake. Second time… That’s all on him.
Working in IT - Desktop support. One of my co workers picked up a ticket to go replace a keyboard in HR. HR was in a different building and it was mid winter and really cold out. He grabbed his coat and walked over there to replace the keyboard. Apparently he had a fat stanky bag of weed in his coat pocket. It was apparently very noticeable. A phone call was made before he even got back, and he was immediately let go.
This was before any kind of legalization existed in the area.
As a fellow tall, I don’t even buy things unless they are “T” sized anymore. Gave up on it a long time ago. My shirt size is “XLT”. There are sometimes things like work events or other places where they are giving away T shirts and they ask for my size and I tell them XLT and they are like “How about XXL?” and I’m like “No”. I don’t need to add another ill-fitting t shirt to the pile of shirts I will never wear.
Kohl’s has a big and tall section that is pretty reliable. The past few years I have been stocking up on Tommy Bahama clothing. I have a relative who works pretty high up the chain for their corporate office so I am able to get a discount which brings the price of their clothing down from “outrageously expensive” to “still pretty expensive”. It’s damn good quality clothing though. I have the Big & Tall Bali Skyline T-shirt in every color. It’s probably the most comfortable thing I have ever worn.
Relevant South Park clip - https://youtu.be/6i7a0cwyDDw?si=tBUgdhQo78OEQ2hH
Whelp we got a whole box of them, so maybe in a day or two we will try again.
Really weird that this question would come up right now because up until yesterday, I would say no. I was at the store with my daughter and there was a person giving away free samples of these frozen dumplings (they were cooked, not cold). My daughter chowed one down and asked for another. Now my daughter is a super picky eater, so I was like “hell yeah, I’m gonna buy a box of these”.
Well we went home to have dumplings for dinner and she didn’t want to eat them.
So now I have dumplings.
Favorite good movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite bad movie: Hackers
Zapped while zipping…
It hooks up to the smoothie blender.
Damn… Now I want new gear.
Also “I ride almost exclusively in the midwest US, so hard, rough, icy conditions that most people wouldn’t consider snowboarding in are the every day” - I’m in the northeast, so I am very familiar with ice boarding, so I’m sold.
Damn… I still snowboard in my gear that is over 20 years old. Has it really changed that much? I only go a few times a year so I never wanted to spend the money on new stuff. Lift tickets already cost an arm and a leg.
No no no. White cows make milk. Brown cows make chocolate milk.
ABYXABYXBABAYXXABYX - infinite thermal detonators in one of the Star Wars SNES games
Everylittlethingshedoes - unlock all magic in Warcraft 2
BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND - something in Turok 2. I think all weapons?