Sounds like songs from the game “The Messenger”.
Great game and great music.
Sounds like songs from the game “The Messenger”.
Great game and great music.
Let me know if I don’t know enough about what you are talking about, but I think your saying to use qemu to o run windows.
This is about running x86 code on arm processors, like what Apple does with Rosetta.
I would not trust that the pills he was throwing out to the crowd were legit. But if an independent third party could verify the drug, why not.
Also, I am not suffering from anything that is too expensive to fix. Maybe if I was desperate and not rich, I’d have a different opinion.
I hate fandom so much. Their site is very annoying on mobile.
But you can but a Dell with Linux on it instead of windows.
I’m not sure how true this is, but I read somewhere that when Mac got above 5% market share, it suddenly got a lot more mainstream support.
I wonder if that means we’re are a year or two away from Linux as a mainstream option.
I’d love to have an arm based Linux laptop with software support for one of my critical work apps.
My biggest concern with graphene is that I don’t really trust that my apps will work on it.
I haven’t looked into it for years, but I do need to use apps like Microsoftone drive, WeChat, banks, etc.
Even if they work I’m concerned that they will see I’m on some modified OS and block my account.
I think you meant minetest with a Minecraft mod.
Depending on which virtual machine software you use, you might need to go onto the Linux even after you boot from it and run some programmer script to install drivers or something, but depends on which virtual machine software you use.
I tried to read the attack on titan manga years ago. I bought a manga at Barnes and noble and thought it was a decent price. But then I read the entire book in like 20 minutes and thought to myself that I way over spent on the book.
I regretted that purchase. Maybe it’s worth while if you want to look at the art for a long time, but I just wanted the story.
My work laptop is windows and I hardly use it for anything personal. I just unplug the usb-c dock from it and plug it into my steam deck and use it as my desktop. I’ve done everything with it you can do on a computer.
Nice try FBI 😎
Masturbating on a plane.
Apple did something a while back to limit nsfw stuff on iOS. There was a setting in discord that you had to change to see nsfw stuff and some communities you had to join it from the desktop before you could view it on the phone.
I’m remembering more now, Apple had a policy that was like we might block your app if it’s for nsfw. So some apps got worried and limited nsfw stuff on iOS.
It’s supply and demand. Capitalism!!! /s
This is my thought as well. Even if things go well this time, who’s to say they will not feel entitled to come back. Maybe with or without your knowledge.
I’d send them away otherwise I might start getting a regular visitor to my house asking for stuff.
In public, I’m happy to give money or food.
Sorry, I should have elaborated.
The laws are strict and would hold doctors liable in some places. There was an instance where a woman needed some pain killer but the doctor wouldn’t prescribe it because it could cause the termination of a fetus.
When the lady told the doctor she wasn’t pregnant, he told her that she could become pregnant.
I know that’s an extreme example, but it is an example.
Another is that abortions in the case of rape might be illegal in some places and traveling out of state to a place where about is legal is also illegal.
It’s also illegal in some places to knowing help a person get to a place where it’s legal to get an abortion.
I’m not in expert in the subject, and the law varies by state so it gets confusing.
My wife and I do not live in the US and don’t plan to return, so we have not followed it closely.
Oh, I think there was also an issue of cops or the government possibly buying the data from period tracking apps, but I’m not sure about that.
Some states have pretty strict laws regarding abortions.
I assume that this is what the person is referring to.
I use Linux for personal use, and Ive been using windows for work due to necessity.
There is one app I need that does not support Linux. I contacted their support asking about a Linux version and they suggested using waysroid to run the android version of the app.
So, when I have free time I’m working on switching things over.
My main motivation is Microsoft pushing ads everywhere and being aggressive about using online accounts and stuff that like.
Check out this person. They have an iPhone camera built into their floor.
What a fanboy.