Hey, will dir gar nicht auf den Sack gehen, aber du meinst hier “abwegig”, von “auf Abwegen sein”, meint soviel wie auf den falschen Weg sein. Es sei denn du willst etwas “abwägen”, was von “wiegen” kommt und soviel wie abschätzen/einschätzen heißt.
Ich nerve damit auch nur, weil ich das selbst häufig falsch gemacht habe, bis ich gelernt habe - abwägen = Waage, abwegig = (falscher) weg
I don’t know if this is real, but I think it’s interesting to think about.
Sure interesting to think about, but it’s definitely not that easy, genetics are hella complicated and humans are not peas.
I kind of get the whole 'Gulf of America’s, at least conceptionally, America is the continent yada yada yada, it’s fine, it’s silly but fine.
But the Mount McKinley stuff is really baffling to me. Afaik McKinley never even visited Alaska during his presidency, alaskans themselves tried to change the name since at least the 1980s and the only thing that stood in the way was Ohio, as McKinleys home state, blocking the name change, until in 2015 they eventually relented and the name was changed back to its original indigenous name.
Why would they change it arbitrarily again? I don’t understand? Is it just racism and it by chance happened during Obama’s presidency?
Come on, just a little ethnic cleansing will solve the conflict, can’t you see?
Thanks for the perspective!
…maybe I should get tested…
Also Starfighter known in Germany as “widow maker”?
Yeah because a terrorist has all his marbles together for sure.
German Wikipedia already has past tense and a small paragraph about Assad leaving the country for an unknown location.
Honestly guys, it’s not the first time I got breaking world news from this community and I am disappointed, I thought this was non-credible?
Best news in days, good job onion, I can’t wait to hear Jones’s spin on this.
Still no relevant response to what I pointed out, buddy,.
Nope, not what we were talking about mate. Op said:
That’s not outrage being directed at the perpetrator, it’s outrage being directed at an entire demographic of people of which the perpetrator happens to belong.
You said :
It’s not in the article, it’s in the comment you were replying to. What am I missing?
So don’t try to move the goalposts just because you talked shit, I’m sick of this bullshit.
We were talking about why a, admittedly monstrous, rapist needs to be used to demonize a whole demographic. You pretended like that wasn’t in the article, I proved it was, that is the fucking conversation we’re having here.
Oh I don’t know maybe the first three words?
Or the next three words that follow
the MONSTER migrant
Instead of maybe “the rapist”, no we got to tie in that he is a migrant in all caps, at every possible turn.
Also further down referred to as
the migrant
Oh and also let’s rope in some unrelated burglar who also happens to be a migrant.
All very easy to spot so I figure you’re not really asking in good faith, just like someone who has an agency in “just asking questions” would do.
But also topless, because what are mortars and hand grenades?
Saudi Human rights commission is like marriage counseling in a brothel.
In German it is the other way around, Helikopter gets shortened to heli
Sehr gut geschrieben, das Max Weber Zitat am Ende hat mir einen kalten Schauer verpasst.