It’s a polycule, so yes. Like a standard relationship with two people, but it’s three.
It’s a polycule, so yes. Like a standard relationship with two people, but it’s three.
Pretty sure Brave is American.
It’s also sketchy.
Same, my wife and girlfriend told me about it before I found out here. Seems to be spreading on TikTok.
I see you read that article toi
The year is 2024.
Trump is elected president.
Somewhere in the world, a butterfly flaps to the left instead of the right.
A bat follows it.
You sure it wasn’t a chlorhexidine mouthwash?
Possibly true, but also a lot of the reports for issues caused by cocaine use lump cocaine with all of its derivatives, including things like crack cocaine. Rarely is pure cocaine affordably sold in the black market.
It would be as fair as combining statistics for oxycodone and tramadol.
I don’t think cocaine is as dangerous as it’s usually thought of from what I’ve read. Still dangerous enough to be age restricted and regulated for sure, but also in the right doses about as harmful as cigarettes (except cigarettes also harm those nearby)
And the risk of alcohol and cars dramatically increases your risk of death and yet…
Just wanted to point out, of the three you mentioned, cocaine is still used in medicine, especially in dentistry. You may in fact even have used an analog yourself that’s pretty common: Lidocaine
People like you, are why I moved away.
Sure you could just be another Russian troll.
But I knew way too many fucking idiots like you in real life too years ago as to know there’s a good chance that you’re not a troll.
The only consolidation I have is that dumbasses like you will suffer along with the rest, even if not as much as you deserve compared to those who knew better.
Imagine saying that with a straight face with one side has just declared they want to very actively partake in the genocide and just do the job themselves.
This is like saying giving a murderer a knife is the same as going in with a machine gun yourself.
Nah, EU likes them avocados and fruit too, especially in winter.
Looking forward to cheaper maple syrup!
But you’re literally propping up a much farther right republican party, and the dissolution of any democracy.
That is, by definition, hypocrisy. That’s not me calling you a name, that’s pointing out a fact in your actions.
Your actions and stated desired ultimate outcome simply don’t match.
Your argument doesn’t follow logic.
you say voting for Dems would destroy it, but letting literal fascists get absolute power would also destroy it, permanently, while also destroying why change for actual leftists to gain power.
for some reason you think it’s better to let the fascists win to destroy the center right, but not destroy the fascists by not allowing them to gain power continuously???
you stated it’s not ethical to allow the Democrats to continue existing as they are because they’re not as a whole left wing and are also causing harm, but it’s ethical to have many more suffer? That’s just hypocrisy.
you assume the DNC is dumb rather than corrupt
you assume you’ll still have a legitimate democracy after Trump.
Actual leftists KNEW that already. Kamala, Biden, the majority of the DNC - they’re all corrupt corporatists.
But the situation the USA was in was one of minimizing overall damage. And with the corporatists, there was still a small chance of gaining some control from them peacefully via elections, if simply because more left leaning people can at least run under the Democrat moniker.
With the fascists, that opportunity is gone. By allowing them to win, not only do you worsen the genocide occuring in Israel (if not ensured Israel from achieving it entirely), but also just got killed a bunch of other people and hurt a huge amount of minorities in the USA as well.
Not voting didn’t stop the genocide and never would have, but it did guarantee that it gets worse while hurting other innocents outside of Palestine as well. If you didn’t vote for Kamala (which literally means “horrible” in Finnish), you’re a dumbass, because you allowed a greater evil to prevail. Especially since I know many of y’all abstainers are still paying taxes anyway and funding the genocides either way.
That you still say he’s not publicly a Nazi says everything.
Nah, but I can live with knowing I at least tried to stop literal Nazis from gaining absolute power.
Can you say the same?
Yes we get it, you just made sure the literal Nazis got power and gave Israel the means to 100% Speedrun the genocide.
It’s funny you think there will be legitimate elections in 4 years. I mean Republicans are already pushing ways to give Trump a third term. So like, congrats on having Gaza screwed even harder while simultaneously throwing away any semblance of democracy?
At least the corporate corrupt Dems gave a small window for changing things democratically while not screwing over Trans people in the USA as well.
By abstaining you allowed the greater evil to prevail, not prevented any evil from occuring.
Yeah, there’s a couple of issues with this graph.
Should have listed at least a Firefox fork instead, especially with the recent change in the ToS.