And that means the Maori name for the country shouldn’t be used? Something’s backwards here.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, linksgrünversiffte filthy librul German fanartist. Likes Doctor Who the normal amount.
And that means the Maori name for the country shouldn’t be used? Something’s backwards here.
Im deutschen Sprachgebrauch gibt es Schilder, die vor Nichtrauchern und dem Steigen auf dem Förderband warnen?
Cool, thank you for teaching me something :)
What’s the distinction between cocktails and mixed drinks?
Apparently there are people who receive monetary compensation for drawing comics. Some apparently can even do that as their main job. That’s what I heard at least, they seem to be rare.
Learning about the world, in school and by reading humongous amounts of books when I was a kid and preteen. I eventually realised that “nah, I don’t believe that.” and that was that.
That’s the sanitised version lol. A number of those books were by Erich von Däniken, unfortunately, and that simply “overwrote” Christianity in my young and impressionable science-fiction loving mind. Luckily I continued learning and not TOO long after I realised that was bullshit too and in the process I also actually realised why religion doesn’t make sense to me.
tl;dr: HP Lovecraft made me atheist
Oh okay. Thanks for teaching me something.
Apparently that means no shampoo, only conditioner…? On the rare occasion that I use conditioner, it goes in after the shampoo is out and stays in for however long it takes me to soap the rest of my body.
In meiner Teenagerzeit hieß es über die damals populäre Nazi-Partei (DVU? es ist mindestens 200 Jahre her), dass ein Verbot sich nicht lohnt, “weil die eh nie an die Macht kommen”. Hm.
The title makes it sound like this was an official act by the mayor or something when it’s really nothing of the sort but entirely anonymous work that just appeared one day.
Schwer zu sagen, kommt auf die Situation an. Möglichkeiten, die mir einfallen:
Nah. Too busy collaborating with Red Skull.
Grad student says what the deleted comment said. So yes.
The current NSDAP successor party in Germany has Jewish members. Not a lot, but they exist. It doesn’t need to make sense.
Letztens erst gelernt, ja. Du darfst in der Wahlkabine keine Fotos machen. Frag mich nicht, ob das sonderlich sinnvoll ist.
For me, it’s not even about the interaction. “Do your own research” is conspiracy ideologists language for “trust me brah” and we should be better than that. Whatever they claim may simply not be true and “look it up yourself” is just a means to waste everybody’s time because there isn’t anything to look up. Not to mention, whoever made the claim should already have at least an idea where they got the claim so why send everybody on a wild goose chase when they can simply link to it?
Supervisor: Hey, um, I think you forgot to include sources in your thesis?
Grad student: You can also look up a source. It’s real easy these days, with the little supercomputers in all our pockets.
“Ja ja, lassen Sie uns ins Bett bekommen.”
And what you said about him seems to be easily disproven by the article.