This part I’m out of the loop on. What happened in 1987?
This part I’m out of the loop on. What happened in 1987?
“Duuuuuuuh!!!” says literally everybody else.
Seriously, this is NOT news. This has been going on for like 8 years now.
Even before musk bought it, it was a house of cards. At no point in it’s history since it’s creation has it EVER made money. It was ALWAYS a money loser. That’s why they were trying to sell it in the first place. It had value, but nothing close to 43 BILLION dollars.
It was assumed to sell for a few hundred million before musk ran his mouth, and joked that he’d do it for 43 billion. Then he took the joke as far as signing legal paperwork, then bitched that he HAD to now buy it for his joke price of 43 billion.
And now you read daily how much money it’s losing. Firstly because even if he paid a fair price for it, AND ran it perfectly, it would still be losing money. But he bought it for 43 BILLION dollars, and from day one publically harassed advertisers saying he doesn’t need them.
Well, even under perfect conditions, the advertisers were the only thing keeping twitters losses pre-musk at a minimum. They were losing about 13 million a year since 2008. And now it was adding up.
But now you got advertisers to go fuck themself. And they leave. Then he alienates twitters at the time core leftist by…well existing. And now you got all these people leaving twitter in droves. So now, even for the advertisers that remain, twitters reach loses 40% of it’s value. Which means advertisers aren’t willing to pay old rates. Which means less revenue.
And all these other companies, before musk bought it, looked at an unprofitable social media site, then remembered how MySpace went, and thought “…no.”
She puts out that restraining order on you.
I’m going to use this on my neice this summer!
Hehehehe, I hope I remember this 5 months from now.
…this comment makes me uncomfortable…like switches are some kind of an unsult! Switches are great! More variety!
Rest on your ankle? Or chomp down? Because it looks like she’s in the process of dragging your body somewhere…
…now see, that’s unfair. I want to do something fun with your name, as a fun little back and forth ping pong exchange. But if I did that, it would be like I’m inciting violence… plus it would leave a hand mark on your butt.
Boo him! Boo that man!
Well, see, what I’m imagining is that there IS no world post war. And that’s better.
I’m just waiting for 1am. In 1983 russia almost atomic bombed the united states with an all out assault. Every atomic bomb they had in retaliation for the USA already firing 4 atomic rockets at them.
The firing orders needed 3 men to agree to the retaliation bombing. The first two men turned their key. The third man refused. His logic was “Why would the united states fire 4 rockets, and only 4 rockets in a surprise atomic bombing against a land as big as russia, KNOWING it would trigger an all out atomic assault? If you’re getting the element of surprise, you use it to decimate any retaliation ability we may have. Kill us before we can fire back. This is a false alarm!”
And he was right. The 4 atomic bombs they were following on radar turned out to be clouds. Without that third man, russia would have unprovoked fired every nuke at the USA they had. Ensuring an atomic war that likely ends all life on earth.
In the 90s when I found out about that, I said “Whew! That would have happened just before I was born! Luckily there was the 3rd man.”
Now with how the world has turned out, that 3rd man is now the villain of the story.
So now I’m just waiting for 1am on the doomsday clock. C’mon big giant astroid thats ends it all! Humans had their chance, and they fumbled the ball like the cleveland browns.
I would call 2020 close enough to today to call it the modern era. So he IS being judged for who he’s recently shown himself to be
I always forget Gates is one of the elite. Then I remember how ruthless and savage he was in the 80s.
Then I remember.
…why’d you censor “British”?
I’m either going to be british, or french. I can’t quite tell. There’s too many guns to tell where the official border is.
Either way, I’m good with this.
…wait, am I going to have to learn metric? OH HELL NO!!!
This is why my general mentality is “fuck you”. Just in general. To everyone. Because there’s people in this world that are racist assholes. Fuck them. Then there’s people who are dumbass assholes. Fuck them.
People like this, claiming meals are racist. Fuck them.
There’s people who make wild unfounded claims, such as video games make you a sexist. Then there’s others who make racist claims like only degenerate criminals crossing the boarder. And I don’t have enough hours in the day to investigate where everyone stands on the spectrum.
So fuck them. Fuck everybody, and hey, fuck you too.
Merry Christmas assholes!
I downloaded this photo and named the file deadcunt.jpg
4 ceo’s downvoted this.
This is just a show to me of how far disconnected I am from reality. I started reading the article, and my brain immediately went “Oh, ok. It’s a bunch of conspiracy theory nonsense. It doesn’t actually make sense, and therefore doesn’t pass the sniff test.”
It was at that moment, I realized that modern day life itself doesn’t pass the sniff test. There’s been so much bullshit this past 10 years that triggers my bullshit sense. Very regularly I I think to myself that there’s no way Donald Trump would be elected president…but yet he’s been elected president. Twice.
I’m at the point where I don’t know WHAT to believe now. Is this story bullshit? Maybe. Maybe not. Seems about as legit as anything else in this timeline. We’ve already gone through global pandemics, murder hornets, toilet paper shortages, Los Angeles best being described as “on fire”, and during the presidential debate, they asked trump if he has a concentrated well thought out plan. His response? “I have concepts of a plan”. THAT GUY then proceeded to win the election.
I’m at a point where I don’t want to be cynical, but it just doesn’t add up for me. HOW did an entire country see THAT display, the same debate he accused people in Ohio of eating cats and dogs, and think “I think I’m gonna vote for that guy”. AND THEN HE WINS THE POPULAR VOTE???
I don’t want to say it, because I have no proof, where there’s smoke there’s usually fire, but I’m not seeing the usual smoke. Yet I find myself unable to shake this instinctual feeling that the entire process was rigged from the start. I don’t want to be that guy, but that’s how it feels to me. Then you read a story like this, and it kind of lines up with his actions. Who’s to say he WASN’T recruited by Russia 35 years ago? I have no way to argue against that in my own brain when I don’t feel like I have a good grasp on what reality even IS anymore. And that all feels very by design. I don’t like anything going on around me, and if we had a different planet to live on, I’d leave.