They’re not indistinguishable, downloading a video results in the same amount of data being transferred much more quickly. But your ISP couldn’t care less either way.
Your average science guy, Linux nerd, and Minecraft player. Left Reddit for this place and haven’t looked back. :)
They’re not indistinguishable, downloading a video results in the same amount of data being transferred much more quickly. But your ISP couldn’t care less either way.
Obviously always issuing deletion orders would be a good thing, but it doesn’t seem like it would be very effective. It would be all too easy for the offender to stash a backup flash drive somewhere before “complying” with the order.
My bad, you’re right, you need ⌈log₂ p⌉ + 1 books.
Buy ⌈log₂ p⌉ books, where p is the number of problems you have.
Seems a bit cold to have most of your face exposed, especially while you sleep.
Bold of you to assume I’ll only disappoint two people.
According to this I’m INTJ, and I just went and spent 5 minutes taking the Myers-Briggs test and got the same result. Yay?
“Free” is a trademark and does not necessarily refer to a book available at no charge.
The odds of any specific child being killed in a school shooting is very low, but the incidence of shootings is still far higher in the US than any other country, and that’s a big problem.
If you scale up the trebuchet enough it gets large enough to throw things on a suborbital trajectory and you can use it to throw nukes at other continents!
Most of JWST’s wavelength range falls in the infrared, only overlapping the red end of the visible spectrum. That means basically all its images are in false color, showing infrared wavelengths as visible ones. I’d be surprised if any are true color images considering how boring they’d be (just some deep reds and oranges).
Love how many people didn’t realize that was satirical. I guess it hits a bit too close to the real crypto scams out there… (Though $8.25/hr is a bit generous).
I think your expectations for my toddler self’s memory are a bit too high, I’ve got no idea lol.
I hope not, I don’t need another a murder on my conscience.
I ate a worm once when I was a toddler, does that count?
I love it when the stuff suspended in the miso separates just right and you can see the little convection cells in action. Definitely the most interesting soup to watch (and tasty!)
Loss of braincells, I could feel them dying as I read it.
Can confirm, my grandma was a hardcore air addict. One day she tried to quit air, and the withdrawals killed her in just a few minutes! The doctors said it was “cancer” or something but she was a Scorpio and I think they’re paid off by Big Air to say that.
As a Minnesotan, that would be very bad news for anyone here enjoying having relatively okay power bills. Unfortunately I have to agree with Ford; we totally deserve it.