Man that is a hard take. Amy Shumer is a female clone of nick swardson minus the creativity, which is miniscule but significant in this comparison. Both of them peaked at high school humor and never got over it.
Man that is a hard take. Amy Shumer is a female clone of nick swardson minus the creativity, which is miniscule but significant in this comparison. Both of them peaked at high school humor and never got over it.
Why limit yourself to real materials? Just whip up a few hundred thousand miles of superconducting cable and then set your price.
If you have to quibble about things being possible, just figure out graphene batteries/capacitors and you’re set forever.
Ayyyy the bay area remains neutral territory between China and Mexico. Basically same as normal then.
I always win at tragic backstory.
My dad won box tickets to the last 49er game at candlestick through some radio contest. All expenses paid, bunch of merch, got to meet some players, whole VIP package. Happened to be that the last game at the stadium was a few days after my birthday and a couple days before Christmas. I even happen to live in the area while he was flying out from Texas.
He got me a card with $20 in it and took his mom, stepdad, and ex wife with him to the game. Killed himself about 8 months later. Thanks pop.
Discipline is a core tenant of righteous hatred. I feel no enmity for anyone of French descent. I just hate the French as a concept. Same for the British, the Dutch, Spaniards, Belgians, Germans, Russians, Israelis, Chineses, etc etc all the way down the list of opressors both historic and modern. While yes, a nice little Thanos snap of all those evil peoples would leave the world massively underpopulated, I have faith that the desirables that are left would figure out repopulation no problem.
Optimistic of you to believe that humans learn from mistakes. Id thought we’d all come to the conclusion that colonizing ethnostates were bad, but Israel didn’t seem to get the memo. I thought we were done with nazi appeasement but then we have Jill and Joe old money taking nice pictures with the dictator elect. I even thought once upon a time that electric cars might make a dent in the fight for the climate, but then I saw what a lithium mine looks like. Nothing matters to humanity except how greedy they can be without being rejected from society at large.
Which western country am I going after if I say “free Tibet”?
It’s never been about western overexposure or who is culturally dominant in what category, it’s about greed. It’s ALWAYS been about greed. And 700 million dollars for a monument to slavery, cultural obliteration, and toxic patriarchy is extremely greedy.
As a native American, fuck the French and every gilded church they build. As their people profited off of the rape of entire nations, they don’t deserve nice things in any context. All my SEA homies agree.
A tip i learned with my most recent cat is getting the food and water up off the floor. Helps them swallow better. And the flatter the plate you give them their food on, the better. Cats can be extremely fussy over anything touching their whiskers, so anything you can do to help them with that they’ll appreciate.
That would be the wrong approach. First big problem is that cops or anyone else can wear gloves. Second, you aren’t really trying to prove who owned the drugs. You would be interested in proving that the space in which the drugs were found previously did not contain the drugs before the cops “found” them. That’s why bodycams are super important. Most evidence tampering cases boil down to “spot was clearly empty before cop mysteriously produces drugs from the same spot”
As a welder, much of my work straddles the line between art and mass production. I’ve made many, many beautiful welds that will never been seen by another person for at least the next 20 years, if ever. Some of the best that come to mind are stainless steel welds on industrial equipment that get buried under paint or insulation. I spent 3 years welding parts for US battleships and Navy cruisers as well as the occasional weird airforce part. Most of those welds will never been seen by living people after leaving my old shop.
This is just tau simping with extra steps.
On an unrelated note, needs mo’ dakka and mo’ choppa
Brake cooling fan. It looks really far away but it’s a trick of the camera. This brakes get REALLY hot without the fan.
Paul isn’t out harassing inuit communities. Do you know why? Because inuit communities practice ACTUAL sustenance hunting, not a tradition of slaughter dressed up as “culture”. Do not disgrace actual caretakers of the land to cover up your barbarism
Jerk off every single day. Your prostate will thank you
This was a latex loofah at a Safeway grocery store. Good luck finding something similar. Maybe a sponge from the kitchen aisle?
See counterargument tho I’ve had multiple cashiers try to scan a thing that wasn’t in the system and just throw it in my cart so it DOES happen. Lmao
Donate to Sikh kitchens. Core tenant of their religion is simple acts of kindness for the sake of being kind. They take everyone in at Sikh kitchens. Even cities in Texas and CA that like to ban feeding the homeless can’t do shit about these kitchens because it is recognized as a part of their worship.