A lot of supermarket food brands are American. You might be surprised if you start looking. Both my deodorant and toothpaste is from Unilever, for instance.
A lot of supermarket food brands are American. You might be surprised if you start looking. Both my deodorant and toothpaste is from Unilever, for instance.
Spendrups is a licensed Coca Cola factory. Make sure to check for any such shenanigans before buying Spendrups.
I’m not going to buy a pdf for € 40…
I read the abstract of the two links. The first one just says “tarrifs bad” without even mentioning our discussion above.
The second abstract said they did not find any evidence of “tarrifs good”, other factors had greater impact for growth. This is not the same question either.
That’s kinda what they said.
I don’t get it. If we do retaliate, the US will have something to gain (back) by removing the tariffs.
I don’t know what studies you are referring to (please leave a link) but it seems counterintuitive to not have that bargaining chip to force a quick end to the tarriffs (See US vs Canada 2025, US vs Mexico 2025).
I don’t see how one could reasonably measure policies like these through time; of course it’s worse in the short term for all involved parties but should resolve the situation faster. If they only measure the time during active tarriffs of course it’s better through survivorship bias.
So there is still time…
And fuck your versioning system. And you dependency management. And tooling. Why are there like five different projects trying to lock down the python environment? Conda? Venv?
Even Ubuntu tries to lock down python so that it doesn’t brick the install due to dependency conflicts.
And if they use the dark pattern of a fake in-app review, so that they can redirect only the good ratings to the app store while opening a “feedback form” for bad ratings - I will actually go out of my way and open the app store and give them a one-star anyway.
Username checks out though
Yes but I find all this both racist and sexist. Not all men in India are creeps, even if may be a rampant problem. Shouldn’t they instead try to punish the weirdos?
How about “we let private companies segregate in whichever ways they want!”?
Forcing Russia to defend so they can’t be on the offense any more.
It’s actually the company’s problem. They usually opt to add more debt though, rather that wade through the old stuff.
In the end, all software sucks and should be replaced as soon as possible. Code quality is a lie we tell ourselves so that we can sometimes be proud of our work. It’s usually the code we are most proud of that is the worst. Design patterns everywhere making the vode overly convoluted and “future proof”. The only future proofing that happens is that no-one will understand it, so they won’t change it. Trying to design for the future usually makes it harder in the future.
That’s the usual open source way. The config probably came later so they just added the option without changing the default because that would break backward compatibility.
And there would be too much boring work to build a migration.
A meter is a bit longer than a yard though. https://www.google.com/search?q=1+m+in+yards&oe=utf-8
Bank holidays would be really awkward. You start wort at 23 and the next day is off so you would just have to work that one hour.
Office workers could probably move hours around. It would get complicated for shift workers though. Paying overtime for work on holidays?
People screw up CLI’s all the time (looking at you Google Cloud). They (used to) insist on using my installed python which automatically upgrades and breaks the CLI. Good job python. Good job Gcloud.
Yes you should. I think most comments here are about products that have millions of users where it’s actually worthwhile spending all that extra time and money to perfect things.
For most development, it isn’t worthwhile and the best approach is to wing it, then return later to iterate, if need be.
The same goes for most craftsmanship, carpentry in particular. A great carpenter knows that no-one will see the details inside the walls or what’s up on the attic. Only spend the extra time where it actually matters.
It triggers me immensely when people say “I could have made a better job than that” about construction work. Sure maybe with twice the budget and thrice the time.
Hmm I guess I was misinformed. Unilever was included in one of those “boycott US” posts recently.