Oh I listen to them every night, believe me. I don’t mind it anymore. It is true though I’ve never been close enough to smell one.
Oh I listen to them every night, believe me. I don’t mind it anymore. It is true though I’ve never been close enough to smell one.
Foxes. They’re like a cross between cats and dogs, with their cute fluffy tails.
For those who want to get into web dev instead, JavaScript/TypeScript are one of the best beginner-friendly languages. Python is good too. Happy hacking!
Yes. Molotov, the URSS Commissar for Foreign Affairs, did try to engage France and Britain to form a defensive tripartite pact, which the Western powers ignored.
The Soviets didn’t exactly throw themselves at the German’s arms at first. Stalin was very wary of the Nazis, in fact.
But Hitler practically begged Stalin to buddy up with the Nazis, dangling Poland, Finland, etc. as the proverbial carrot in front of them. The Nazi’s insistence paid off.
Yes. Encrypting your entire hard drive has basically been a tickbox in the Fedora installer for a long time now. No reason why I wouldn’t do it. It’s, easy, doesn’t give me any problems and improves my devices security with defence-in-depth. No brainer.
Don’t know if it’s because I looked up the claim on that tweet outside of the US or because I used DDG instead of Google but I searched “la fire evacuation map”, deliberately clicked on the first result (a Fox subsidiary site, mind you) and was able to get to this non-paywalled gov site through the first few paragraphs? https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2025/1/7/palisades-fire
Could be dishonest opportunistic propaganda from this guy, could be I somehow managed to avoid the paywall shite, don’t know.
With mine it’s a coin toss between the box and the plastic wrap inside.
Sure, that makes sense, but not everybody leaves a will behind or lets anybody know about their wishes when they die, out of ignorance, sudden death, there are a lot of reasons why you may die and haven’t told anyone what to do. Happens a lot with organ donors, for example.
In lieu of the deceased’s will, the relatives need to make a decision. And, IMHO, this whole cannibalism thing is a lot harder to wrap your head around than having your loved one’s organs harvested to save somebody else’s life, for example.
idk man I think the mental gymnastics go the other way around here. You have to make a shit load of assumptions to consume human flesh safely and ethically:
As some have pointed out here, if eating human meat is your only available choice in an extreme life-or-death survival situation, it would have to do, but unless you also have the means to carve up and cook the body, you’re actually going to consume more energy digesting the raw flesh than what you’re getting in return. Humans make for rather poor food overall, that’s a fact. I would back this up with some evidence but I don’t feel like being put on a list for looking up the nutritional contents of human bodies lol
Yes, even for some minor things. I once got a UTI and didn’t get it checked out for a week (I was mega dumb back then). What pushed me eventually to get a doctor to see me was when I started pissing blood. Not loads, but even a single drop was enough to spook me. Got some antibiotics and all was back to normal in a couple days.
checked out
What’s a morally grey cathedral goblin?
Fuchsia gang where my boys at
I can’t comment on its server use cases or exotic workstation setups with RAID, NAS, etc. but I’ve been running Fedora on Btrfs for quite a few years now and I’ve had zero issues with it. Am I deliberately using all of its features like CoW, compression, snapshots…? No, but neither would your average Linux user who just wants something that works, like ext4.
I don’t miss ext4, Btrfs worked for me since day 1.
Which is ironic given how many English loanwords have infiltrated the language in recent times, to the point where sometimes I hear Japanese speak in a not overly formal context and half of the words they say are just English words with Japanese pronunciation.
Is Shotcut any good? Why would I pick it over Kdenlive?
That’s not how I’ve heard it pronounced. Not in the north at least. The T is mute. It’s “sinjin” (rhymes with Ken).
Yup, Sinjin is definitely a thing.
Source: I know a St. John and he told me the right way to pronounce his name is indeed “Sinjin”
Skill-based matchmaking sounds good on paper —and maybe it does help to an extent— but it doesn’t work all that well when you take into account the top performing players will routinely play under low level, alt smurf accounts, to grind and keep the high rating of their main account intact.
Depends on the tab. Some are not soldered onto the can so I can work with that. For the ones that do, spoons it is.