Everything’s just a retelling of Gilgamesh anyway, why bother protecting “originality”
Jigga what?
Just pick this up and put it into a tub. Now they’re all full. Take that math!
Go make guns and get them into schools then. Don’t need to be in a war to made some Yanks dead. We’ll fucking do it ourselves.
Totally original idea man, imagine if Netflix made a show showing the parallels of vampires and Catholics.
Ladies and gentlemen, we Gautam
Neuroconvergance since it keeps occuring.
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It’s seriously criminal how underpaid those folks are.
Ukraine needs to kill fewer N. Koreans now. That’s a plus.
And from Czech, not Denmark. Are you thinking of Carlsberg? Mikkeler is the brand you recommend to people going to Denmark
Most people saying that also are either tourists, or live near a military base, where a lot of the German population know how to speak English. Knowing danke, bitte, and entshuldigung does quite a lot. Wer ist döner is the most essential phrase in German though. Unsure about danish. Probably similar sounding but slightly more English since the closest language to Denmark for quite some time was Anglish.
Buy fancy feast and put in on some toast. Now you know what danish food is like.
Based on my extensive knowledge of Park Chan-Wook, revenge is the answer.
Mine keeps yelling about hailing Marys and our fathers.
According to the white house you’re a woman too. As gender is now assigned at conception … Stupid penis taking 8 weeks to start appearing in utero.