All thanks to our Glorious President Trump!
All thanks to our Glorious President Trump!
Holy fuck! Dumb Privates doin’ dumb Private shit!! 🤣
Hell yeah!
Nice to meet you, Leonard!
I miss this time in my life!
This is exactly the kind of humor I need today! Thank you.
I’m getting them a few nice cast iron cookware pieces to replace the ones their ex-partner stole. A few pieces are from Lodge, so they’re very inexpensive, but great quality.
It REALLY fucken does. A-hahahahahaha
That’s perfect! Great find!
I gift this one out SO many times!
IDK if this is what you’re after, but looks like theNY Historical Society started putting old recipes online.
Also, the New York Times has a cooking site with all their recipes they’ve ever published or received. Apparently, it’s vast. Though, it looks like you gotta pay for it.
Were these helpful?
Ah! Here’s where I may have confused you. I’m talking about at a gig. Not, like, sitting around a campfire or some junk.
Get 'em drunk, they all love that formula. It worked in Afghanistan, it worked in Germany, it worked in Japan, it worked in Korea… the list could go on.
ETA: Dude! Gimme your Top 5 songs to get people dancin’! I’ll gotta learn 'em this week! No fooling.
Always do Wonderwall. Always break out Mustang Sally. Always play some Tom Petty. Easy success!
I less than three XKCD!
I’ve always had a great time at that stadium! Hell, the whole danged town is fun!
I will enjoy a succulent Chinese meal tonight in his honor.
Well, joke’s on you, Mr. Prime Minister. It’s prolly gonna destroy ours first! So nyah!