Whitewashing is the act of minimizing or covering up vices, crimes or scandals, or of exonerating the guilty by means of a perfunctory investigation or biased presentation of data with the intention to improve someone’s reputation.
Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.
Whitewashing is the act of minimizing or covering up vices, crimes or scandals, or of exonerating the guilty by means of a perfunctory investigation or biased presentation of data with the intention to improve someone’s reputation.
“I forgot one thing about the guy who had gained the ability to fly - it was actually only for a foot or two, and only an inch or so high”
A health insurer being permitted to vertically integrate a pharmacy chain to get around profit margin caps.
I truly apologize for not reading your username correctly before making a snarky comment, and deeply regret and am sorry for any negative feelings I may have caused.
It is my hope beyond hope that you are able to have your body match who you are inside, you beautiful beautiful wonderful person, you.
I’ve heard it’s not the size of the pickle but how flavorful the brine is.
Or something, I’m not crazy about pickles or cucumbers
Tbf, drain cleaning Australia’s synth wave music is pretty rockin but yeah the rest sucks
Guys and Dolls - 👐 (jazz hands)
Chewing will cause them to mix as well, but there’s less time for the compounds to catalyze and “mature” to change the flavor very much
It’s not just that, but the number of cuts made also increases the amount of different compounds mixing after being separated by cell walls which causes them to form new compounds.
Death Star
Rebel propaganda, probably started by those no good Tooks when they weren’t allowed on the Freedom Moon
Oh sure. Not all of them, certainly, but a good number of friends and I will hug to say hello/goodbye. Some of those guys prefer the handshake-bro-hug variety, others go in for the full bear hug. A handful of them, my oldest friends, are comfortable with cuddling, snuggling, or other non-hug physical contact so that’ll happen on the occasions we get to see each other.
I beg to differ, wasps are cool and useful and deserve additional support
Jamaica avenue
Which is probably a first for some of these folks