Now this is more likely to get some jury nullification going. Even more so if you can cast doubt on if it really was the suspect.
Now this is more likely to get some jury nullification going. Even more so if you can cast doubt on if it really was the suspect.
I use AdNauseam to click all of them instead.
Not for more than 28 days of the year. Non-consecutive isn’t a way around that. People have tried and some do get away with it but others get caught and usually any structure has to be demolished and land seized.
Realistically 29 days no one is going to bother you about it but when its clear you are living there that is when they will most likely turn up.
The only one here I use on the left is YouTube, and I specifically pirate their videos to host over LAN.
I already use Linux though. Don’t even drive and my bike is British. Most of the stuff we buy is German as we shop at Aldi.
Huh, would have thought American produce is too full of preservatives to rot
It is illegal to do so. You cannot live on your own land for more than 28 days of the year unless they give you permission to live on it. Which of course a house comes with that permission, a patch of woodland does not.
Why? What difference does any of them make.
The government is the only one stopping me from buying a small patch of woodland and building a cabin there to live in. Get rid of that and suddenly I no longer have a reason to work more than a handful of hours a month.
And the farm would largely be to feed your own family. Not profit.
I would hope it is obviously not a serious suggestion. But it does show a clear difference in modern society that might go some way to explaining current trends.
I guess it works pretty differently to our system where you borrow x money at y interest rate then? Because otherwise a slight interest rate change has a huge impact, or paying slightly more back would reduce the time to pay it by decades.
Progressives have made kids useless. In the distant past they could help carry firewood or gay bales around the homestead.
Industrial revolution fucked it up. Sure for a while you could send them down into the mines or get them sweeping chimneys but over time that got outlawed due to the increased danger these jobs involved.
Now, why bother having kids? You can’t do anything with them. Even worse, they play games like Minecraft. You are literally spending your money for them to virtually work in the mines where they don’t bring in any money at all!
There is no dignity or respect to the worker by the sound of it
Better: I live near the sea so I can easily cycle to the sea for a swim in my lunch break. My PC is a lot better than the one my dad had at the time and relative to inflation costs a lot less, even without inflation it isn’t that much more. Worse: Pretty much every other way. I guess my job is safer but we both have to work while my mum didn’t have to work. We don’t have kids either.
Trump won the election with a majority
How is NATO dead, just because the US is no longer reliable the rest of the countries can still respond
No, most of you either directly voted for him or didn’t care if he won.
If Ukraine detonated just a couple of nukes what would the response even be?
They just caught fire spontaneously. No accelerant needed.