According to Forbes, Musk is currently #1 and Arnault is #4.
According to Forbes, Musk is currently #1 and Arnault is #4.
I know it’s not the point, but it’s weird to call things “9/11 scale attacks” when you consider how many buildings were leveled in Gaza.
Your analogy requires a powerful faction of people in Poland directly shooting rockets at Russian-occupied Ukraine. Still a significant event, but this descent continually shows the problem with analogies.
They are programmatically token predictors. It will never be “closer” to intelligence for that very reason. The broader question should be, “can a token predictor simulate intelligence?”
I wish all the people on the left who think Hillary were going to get picked were gamblers. You could stand to make a lot of money off of them being wrong.
It’s a spoiler for the movie, so I’m tagging it.
Predestination. The story is a bit more complicated, but it’s a very similar idea.
I’ve seen a movie where this is basically the plot.
Moats. I was kidding at first, but I’m now thinking lazy rivers are modern moats.
That sounds like an adult with a social and/or psychological issue.
I’m asking if you believe no other president would support Israel more than Biden. US president? I don’t believe that. Israel doesn’t believe that. You might. There’s a lot of potential presidents in America.
Your own quote: “[Netanyahu] can’t get that loyalty from any other US president”
Do you actually believe that statement to be true?
I liked Devs. It had a dope concept. That show didn’t get much buzz.
I don’t think this is exclusive to right wing populists.
He’s simply congratulating the side he supports. Biden showed support for the Iranian protesters.
And before someone responds “um actually, Biden is as right wing as Clarence Thomas,” Bernie Sanders showed support for the Iranian protesters too.
You’d be hard pressed to find someone to the left of Bernie Sanders who doesn’t support Iranians protesting the right to not be killed for wearing a hijab improperly.
It’s not. That subreddit is garbage. The mods legit ban people if the user rates people higher than the mod wants.
I think you’re thinking of VIKI from I, Robot.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence was the movie where Haley Joel Osment was a robot kid.