seems like you need to try micro. It’s like nano, but with more sensible standard keybinds imho, as well as syntax highlighting and global clipboard use.
seems like you need to try micro. It’s like nano, but with more sensible standard keybinds imho, as well as syntax highlighting and global clipboard use.
didn’t know about that one, thank you
itt: people thinking 20 years ago was 10 years ago.
cat > bat
ls > exa
(h)top > btop
whatever terminal > alacritty
whatever browser > librewolf + brave
cli editor > micro
app launcher > albert
vlc > mpv
I went from 100 Mb/s to 50 Mb/s about 1.5 years ago, and to be honest it is enough but can be an annoyance. Streaming is no Problem, even two concurrent 4k streams work (tried on youtube, Netflix and Disney+). Downloads just take a while so if you have to download larger files you need to plan ahead a bit. Also, streaming while performing large downloads is tricky. In order to avoid constant buffering you’ll need to either significantly reduce your streams quality or set um some priorisation rules on your network.
great. I don’t want those apps snooping around on my PC. Thank you.
makes me think of Teal’c from Star Gate
thanks, looks awesome
I can’t really help you, but I do want to say: if you get in I want poctures, that house looks awesome.
what the hell does a gay person look like?
Ask your parents, they probably have som photos of the time before your birth.
a nurse in germany earns a living wage. You won’t get rich, but you can live comfortably (if you don’t plan to have a family).
Bin bei WeTell und sehr zufrieden.