what does viva insights do exactly?
what does viva insights do exactly?
The company itself maybe, the people responsible for the downfall not so much.
The C-levels probably got huge bonuses for saving tons of money, while having a super high paycheck anyways and when the boat finally goes down they will just hop into a C-level position at a different company where their main focus will be again to save tons of money.
C-level positions truly are the most insane thing in this capitalist hellhole that we live in. They come and go (usually in a 2-5 year cycle) and their next job is secured no matter their performance.
Well at least we have an real election
I am not sure what the discussion is about not striking inside Russia.
Russia is the aggressor, they CHOOSE to invade Ukraine. So all of Russia is fair game. Period.
If they cry like the babys they are, they can just fuck out of Ukraine and not fear defensive acts against their terretory
Good, Russia is whining about this means it’s the right thing. Honestly everything should be game for Ukraine since Russia is the aggresor. They could just fuck off Ukraine and not be bothered.
As Luis C.K said, of course it’s a terrible tragedy if you go to war and get shot, but maybe if you invade another country and get shot by the guy you were just shooting at, its not that weird.
Better Headline yet: Reckless visitor tries to sneak in forbidden food and gets a fine.
There is a reason for this ban, its announced everywhere, and you even have a chance to give it up before going through the checks. Its your responsibility to obey local laws, whether you like them or not.
Their reasoning being that their employees were using unethical behavior while the company itself has been in multiple lawsuits for unethical behavior
What does one call that again? Fucking hypocrits