Have you tried emptying your lungs? It sounds crazy, but you actually don’t have to completely fill your lungs with air, just enough so that you can last a good while underwater and so that you’re no longer buoyant. It takes some practice, and you might panic a little bit at first, but once you get used to that, it just becomes second nature.
The only times I hold as much air as possible are when I’m trying apneas (holding my breath as long as possible), but I stay near the surface for that and I remain inmobile. (Also, make sure there’s more people with you and that you’re signing that you’re fine)
I’d say UTC-6. Mostly because that’s where I and most of the people I know live. However, It’s a bit limiting, only 3 big countries and some pacific Islands.
My second choice would be UTC 0, because I think it covers a lot of land
I’ve got the same question. I believe those are wall braces to hang the whole phrase securely to the meme. That way no matter how many times it gets reposted the text won’t fall
Relevant video:
Sex: never
I go camping with my girlfriend during winter solstice. We started going a couple of years ago and kept doing it, now it’s something of a tradition.
Me too! Sometimes I forget that I can participate in the discussion and even post cool stuff I’m doing. After all, that’s the whole point of this kind of community.
Asking for a friend?
I can read to, but the text changes each time I read it.
Mint and manjaro(?
KDE and Cinnamon are solid desktop environments.
I was already on Mastodon when the API price increase thing happened on reddit and my favourite client (infinity) became useless. I wasn’t going to use the bloat-fest that is the reddit app, so I switched to Lemmy in “protest”. Now I’m using eternity (a fork of infinity) and I have found a place in this community where I’m incredibly happy. I’m never going back to that shithole and I don’t miss anything from there. There’s a lot of karma-farming and every single person there reads exactly the same. There’s no real discourse. The only times I use it (and through a web browser) is when I’m looking for solutions to some tech-related issue, and that is, if I haven’t found the solution here already.
Thanks for the tip, I also consider myself a linux begginer. I started with arch (without arch-install). I’ve borked enough installations to not be a complete noob. So I guess I could try installing gentoo.
Noice!! Some day I’d like to try gentoo
And saint IGNUcius of the church of emacs. May we recite our confession of faith:
There is no system but GNU, and Linux is one of its kernels.
My employer doesn’t want it and doesn’t need it. We offer programming courses and stuff like that, and my company got a deal with Oracle to offer these kind of certificates to our trainees as an added bonus. I’m being given the chance to participate as well just to inflate numbers or something.