Auf jeden Fall. Sicher ist sicher
Any Pronouns, go wild I guess
AI pictures are for those, who do not respect the art of extremely weird stock pictures
Auf jeden Fall. Sicher ist sicher
Greyhat, die Daten gingen sofort an haveibeenpwned. Passwörter sind bcrypt gehashed und sollten nicht crackbar sein außer ihr wart wirklich schlecht mit der Passwortwahl. Der derzeitige DDOS ist ne andere Gruppe
I think a big difference is how seeing it happen in real life is much more impactful than on a video.
I grew up around butchering animals, and even got to visit a nearby family-owned slaughterhouse on occasion, for me slaughtering and butchering animals is something that I’m much more aware of due to these experiences, I’ve even been taught how to slaughter animals, and though I would never advocate to have everyone who wishes to eat meat slaughter an animal themselves, I think it’s absolutely important to see the process in person and not just on video.
Something that happens a lot in my experience is that specific animal parts are considered “gross”, entrails and such are usually the most common parts considered as such. That’s probably the easiest way to figure out if someone is aware of what butchering means or not, no, considering them gross is not directly a problem, but going all “eek” and stuff is a great way of telling me that the other person is ignorant of the meat industry.
There is very much a problem with a lot of people simply refusing to accept what butchering actually entails.
There was a public experiment done by a reputable German science magazine where they asked a farmer to set up a stand for freshly butchered geese at a nearby city’s outdoor market. The catch was that the geese were still alive and they’d be killed and butchered at the location. So many people reacted with outrage, and in the end only one goose got slaughtered, because the buyers themselves were more than aware of the butchering process. The rest of the geese were rescued by an animal rights advocate who bought them all to be kept at a rescue farm.
Here’s the video, obviously fully in German, but you can see pedestrian reactions: https://youtu.be/9AXt-6mAVEo
Small boys are the best, you can use them as an arm rest, and if need be they can be picked and held up to give you a tactical advantage for spotting potential predatory species ❤️
Fellow Zer here, my elective IT class had grading done depending on how well you could use the computer:
‘A’ if you could do everything perfectly well, ‘B’ if you needed some help from the instructor, ‘C’ if you needed a lot of help, ‘D’ if you couldn’t even get past the login screen on the windows machine.
We had a lot of people who got a pity ‘C-’
Love how drag lives rent free in your head. Seriously, get a hobby dude, obsessing about a trans person this much is not healthy.
At any point you could have simply blocked drag, but no, engaging with drag is so much better, isn’t it? Now you’ve made posts upon posts and comments upon comments about how blahaj is weird, about how drag does not deserve to have drag’s pronouns respected, and how admins/mods/whatever on blahaj are bad.
To what end? To tell the greater user base that your opinion is superior? To make it known that drag is weird and in turn potentially cause drag to be harassed? To have the admins and mods be harassed? To have individual users with non-standard pronouns harassed?
You say you don’t care and wish Blahaj well, but your posts and comments say otherwise. My friend, it might not have been your goal, but your posts and comments are rather inciting in nature, people will get harassed because of you.