Yes, sadly these are the sort of people that would name 2, because you said 2,and claim victory, missing the whole point
Yes, sadly these are the sort of people that would name 2, because you said 2,and claim victory, missing the whole point
I was just trying to figure out what attributes I could pass to a component to modify the ui without having to custom jobby it.
The docs simply showed an example of its most basic use case and a link to the original library they got the component off that they modified… The docs on that link also just show an example of it’s most basic use case…
They didn’t list all the possible things you could pass it anywhere.
You know, all the bombing and killing civilians. How else do you generously spread democracy?
He 180d on a lot of things. Pro fracking, war/Israel, anti immigration.
More in depth info here
Happened with fetterman too. In fact, even people like JD vance (no one thought he was cool though) used to shit on trump.
How quickly the wealthy/powerful bootlick for more wealth/power is terrifying.
I live in NZ. At lockdown protests people had Trump flags and were saying we were violating their first amendment… So much stupidity
I feel like the recoil due to low gravity and no atmosphere on the moon would make heavy firepower guns extremely hard to use
Omg I love that episode too. I quote that grammar robot so the time “shuddapa yer face” “shut up your face”
I also am a software developer and use 123 fake street for testing forms all the time.
I’m surprised at how late it was, would have assumed it was pre double digits
I remember as a kid I was really into fantasy things and my dad told me about LOTR and thought I’d like it. I’d read the hobbit for school already and really enjoyed that… But LOTR was painful, I didn’t even complete the first book
It also depends on its mortality rate. The, article says 50 died but over 900 infected.
Still incredibly high, but initially it seemed like it was much higher. If enough asymptomatic, or non deadly people catch it and pass it on, it’s still pandemicable, just less effective.