It’s a computer program that turns the hard work of artists and utterly ridiculous amounts of water into samey, uncanny abominations. To compare that to the moon landing? I don’t even have words for that.
It’s a computer program that turns the hard work of artists and utterly ridiculous amounts of water into samey, uncanny abominations. To compare that to the moon landing? I don’t even have words for that.
Even in a hypothetical utopia, the thought of a sea of slop drowning the creative world makes my skin crawl. Imagine putting your heart and soul into something only to watch some machine liquify it into an ugly paste in a nanosecond, then it goes on to do the same thing a million times in a row. It’s hard enough to get noticed in this world, and now every passion project has to compete with the diseased inbred freak clones of other passion projects? It makes me feel so goddamn angry that some asshole felt the need to invent such a thing, and for what? What problem does it solve? Why do you need to use up a cities worth of water to make a six fingered Sailor Moon?
They actually already did change the rating for the virtual console release of Red/Blue. I always thought it was stupid, because the game corner was explicitly run by the bad guys.
One time I said AI porn was unethical (because it is) and people here thought I was calling for a ban on all porn. At no point did I say that porn was unethical as a rule, and if I did believe that I wouldn’t have mentioned AI at all.
Honestly, with what the poor bastard has been through, I’d be surprised if he hasn’t been crucified.
I’d argue Rise of Lyric was worse, because 06 at least had the potential to be good had they finished it before release. But alas, twas never meant to be.
Silver is a real Sonic character who has existed since 2006.
I didn’t say anything about communists. I said I missed being able to interact with people who shared my hobbies. I just want to grill talk about cartoons and video games.
Also, I was sold on Lemmy because they told me it was an user owned alternative to reddit, which was going tits up at the time. “It’s a communist website.” Is not what they told me to get me over here.
Absolutely. There’s just fuck all to do here. I used reddit for fan communities a lot, and most of them stayed behind. (Unless you’re a trekkie I guess. Then you’re set.)
These taste almost identical to regular Pepsi. It’s kind of a ripoff.
That’s when you get bofa deez nuts removed.
What the fuck did Mexico do?
They’re dumb, not racist. He’s wasting his vote on a third party candidate.
Rotor is canonically gay. I don’t even have to rank him.
I only included characters from the games because if I hadn’t I’d be here all day.
My original idea was “If Sega decided one of these characters is gay tomorrow, who is it going to be?”. It morphed into the list you see before you. I took into account both actions and how Sega treats them, as well as just general vibes.
That’s on me. I didn’t make the rules clear.
I didn’t say that it was a tier list based on how surprised I’d be if they came out as Bisexual, now did I? Strictly gay.
Sega has a bunch of mandates regarding how Sonic is allowed to behave, so there’s meta reason for his placement. They don’t even let him cry, so coming out of the closet would be enormous.
TBH, I didn’t know what to do with Charmy, since Team Chaotix doesn’t really get that much development. I stuck him in the middle just to be safe.
Then say that instead. That’s a common saying most people are aware of. I’ve seen Silicon Valley types promise all kinds of shit before, so this just fits right in.