😄 You got me. I didn’t even realise I wrote it incorrectly as I’m on mobile and just did it in a rush.
I’ve corrected the mistake and will now commit seppuku for the shame I have brought upon my family.
Served in the Krogan uprisings. Now I run a podcast
😄 You got me. I didn’t even realise I wrote it incorrectly as I’m on mobile and just did it in a rush.
I’ve corrected the mistake and will now commit seppuku for the shame I have brought upon my family.
Tell me you’re an idiot …
Good to know. I always liked #!
Puppy or Debian with openbox or another light wm , is crunchbang still a thing ?.
Nestle needs the Luigi treatment
Great, fine the lot of them, the bastards!
Kanye watching, thinking they gotta cancel him for that shit.
I agree with the measures I hope they address companies doing it too as it could be a loophole.
We were thinking about a move to Spain soon and in years to come possibly renting out the home we buy and live in South America to be closer to family.
I imagine in this case , as a non EU resident despite being an EU citizen the tax would apply.
I still eat them though now and again to vary my diet. 😄 (I can tolerate the bitterness from time to time)
Except windows doesnt have 100% compatibility guaranteed either , there are cases where old games and programs are no longer working on newer versions of windows. These same games and programs in many cases will work on linux as there is a compatible wine prefix.
I get your point though, I’m pointing out the 100% figure is not true for either os.
Horrific , that sack of shit is no husband. It reminds me of the recent french case, i suspect this one probably won’t be as big as it’s in a non western country.
None of us are free unless we are all free.
Getting rid of meta is good for democracy. Mario where you at ?
A windows VM with USB pass through. Use the VM to make the live USB then nuke the VM.
I used to just do it from scratch each time but when I went to Debian years ago I didn’t need to distro hop again as it is just a rock solid distro and it just keeps going. If migrating a machine I usually just copy the home dir after ive set up the machine.
No, daddy chill
I declare forest law the king of iron fist tournament
He’ll still go back and forth to the US without issue I’d imagine.
Probably best to ease into it when the financial infrastructure is in place and has matured and there is someone less reckless at the helm in the US. Right now no one wants to deal with McDonald Trump’s tantrums