Once they’re teens, all parents become “bruh…”
Once they’re teens, all parents become “bruh…”
“sudo is not recognized an an internal or external command”
Often, yes, there just aren’t enough union shops anymore.
He’s being oppressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!
And they’ll still be the most experienced combat troops Putin can field. At least they get lots of practice marching up and down the square.
Yeah, this definitely feels like a doctrine and training problem. I can’t even imagine a scenario where the US or NATO lost half of any platform like that. Pearl Harbor, maybe? I remember how huge a deal it was when we found out our body armor and APCs sucked in 2001, and that was nothing like losing every missile ship.
Absolutely. I’ve gotten myself spun up about determinism before and eventually decided that I’m going to believe in free will for the time being. Much like theism is for many, the idea of free will is kinda comforting for me and it helps me cope with reality to feel like I (and everyone else) has agency. Plus, if I’m wrong it doesn’t really matter and I never could have been right at this point in my life anyway.
But we never could have designed it any other way (assuming no free will)
Won’t someone think of the shareholders!?!?
Bullshit. Conservatives don’t want people living in tents. I’m tired of all this propaganda. They clearly want anyone who can’t afford a house in a prison, not a tent.
High humidity can cause them to go off as well. Used to use a cool air humidifier in our kids’ room at night and had to stop because it would eventually set the alarm off.
You used the wrong hand dude…try again with the other…it should work.
Love me some…grapefruit pizza?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have the same fake man and in the sky. They’re fighting over who his message boys were…but that really isn’t very relevant in the current situation.
Started on Friday… still coming in waves. I had a breakdown a few weeks ago… just pushed myself too hard for too long…it was probably building up for at least a year. Went to the VA (veterans affairs, for those not in the US, the VA is the sole source of health care for many veterans in the US), and they started making adjustments to my anxiety and depression medications which eventually precipitated into a ER visit. A few days later, they got me hooked up with the mental health clinic where I talked to a provider about going on short-term disability while we’re messing with my medication doses until I feel normal again. He says something along the lines “sounds like a good plan, sned me the paperwork.”
Queue up to Friday, I get a call from the insurance company saying they got the paperwork from the provider, and it recommends I go back to work. Now I’m out of PTO, disability is denied, and I’m trying to decide whether I lose my job or go back to work on while tettering between “extreme anxiety” and “drug-induced haze” from all the new prescriptions.
Sometimes, you just wanna punch yourself in the dick. It won’t fix your problems, but it’ll make em feel less important for a few minutes.
Sometimes, it’s the crime ,and* the cover-up
It’s all a joke
I have, completely by accident and with no significant effort on my part, gone 40 years without mass murdering. It almost just happens on its own.
Societal consequences obviously don’t motivate much of the investor class, but financial ones do.