I read the Godfather when I was about 10. My shoebox diorama was the horse head on the bed. It was frowning because it didn’t like having its head cut off.
I read the Godfather when I was about 10. My shoebox diorama was the horse head on the bed. It was frowning because it didn’t like having its head cut off.
I’m here but I’m not United Statesian so I can’t vote in your elections (even though US foreign influence is so aggressive it feels like I should have a say).
Oh no, I’ve upset some MAGA weirdos. Gonna lose sleep over that.
I especially love that he didn’t say where he was running rm -rf and I like to believe it’s from root
I assumed that’s what he meant and is telling people to kill themselves.
No, it doesn’t, of course. I was only speaking to your comment that suggests Greenland’s population is white, because that felt disingenuous to the 90% who are Inuit. Anyhoo, peace.
Greenland is mostly Inuit.
How did we get so lazy about labeling generations? It’s not like we’ve been crunched for time. How about gen skibidi?
5 is correct but this is a loss leader.
Christmas is coming up and I know some people who need this. Can I actually buy it?
If only this was the craziest thing that will be happening today.
“How appropriate. You fight like a cow!”
Would that not be trademark infringement, if anything?
Right back atcha, buddy!
Edit: even this was down voted. The Internet is a strange place.
Fellow embarrassed Dutch guy chiming in.
Edit: why did I get down voted for being an embarrassed Dutch guy? LOL, that’s what we are!
Also, if the water coming out of your faucet is hot enough to harm you, turn down the temperature of your water heater. You will save quite a bit of money too.
Edit: and check the anode in your water heater every 5-ish years. So much cheaper and easier to replace that than the entire tank. Pay attention to your water heater.
I had the FlashAir which is more or less the same thing. Loved it. Used it for quickly retrieving underwater photography without unsealing the camera as well as backing up dashcams, security cameras, and other such quality of life, never have to touch it kind of applications. I would totally buy more if they come back in fashion. Micro SD is probably impossible, but a girl can dream, can’t he?
“Wait, you’re not plankton.”