A superpower that has yet to win a war.
A superpower that has yet to win a war.
I’m always flabbergasted that America got conned by this guy. Like not some vharismatic smart sweet talker, no. Donald fucking Trump. A fat guy in a diaper who can’t really reaf or talk that well and never had a smart tgought in his life.
It’s on their mind constantly
How did he fuck all these kids?
He’s not tolarant or nice. He’s the spokesperson for the biggest pedo ring on the planet. They had to find a “nice guy” because the days of blind religios followers is dwindling.
Too bad mother Theresa is rotting in hell instead of treating him.
An air fryer is basically an oven
Canada and mexico should form a union that’s called Super America. And america isn’t part of it.
Who knew it was that simple
I kinda really wanted to. Not really for obvious reasons, but i was really wondering what a person like that was like. Or what her place looks like. But every sentence she wrote was like diarrhea
I met a girl on tinder who believed and “teached” the goapel of andrew tate. So nothing is impossible.
It’s actually really easy to not be a nazi.
So they pick up the guns they own to fight back? That’s the only reason they own guns right? To fight back an opressive government.
Since this is about migrants and not about New Coke, i assume not.
The software part is odd to me too. I build weird electric vehicles for fun. Things like gokarts, bikes, rc cars, drones, whatever. My favourite part about electric vehicles is how easy they are. Battery goes to speed controller, speed controller goes to motor. Motor spins when it gets a imput. Obviously there is a bit more going into in when you build a real car. But not that much.
I never owned a tesla, i only know people who own and have owned teslas and it’s a mixed bag. It’s really not as simple as “car very good” and “car very bad” the biggest problem with the early gen tesla (imo) is that they aren’t really thought out in many many places. My mechanic friend bought an early gen tesla for cheap and we started to pull it apart because it made odd noises. I have never seen such a weird ass car. They just glued in neoprene (or whatever that is) and other parts into the body panel for some reason. Well one reason is that the car collects dirt in the panels. And i mean i pulled out buckets of dirt from that car. The interior is incredible cheap lookjng and feeling. A lot of things in that car was just bizzar. It was like a show car, that wasn’t ment to drive because everything seemed so flimsy so they just added stuff to make it not fall apart.
A guy i know ordered a then new tesla (around 2021) he was supposed to get the car in august that year, they delivered it around christmas. He’s a real fanboy and he was so excited for that car. When they delivered it, the car was absolutely shit. Panel misalignment is normal with these cars, but this was crazy, and not just panels, also interior and the car rattled and what not. He didn’t accept it and the delivery guy told him the car just goes to the next guy on the list until someone accepts it. So he got another car in march or so. His windshield broke a bit later and it took them 8 month to get a new one, and because they don’t have a real garage, he delivered it and they took it somewhere. It was gone for a long time and they didn’t just change the windows, they also changed out the drivetrain and didn’t say anything. This part is speculative to be honest, but it usually doesn’t take more than a month to change the windscreen and when we put the car on a lift, the frivetrain was suspiciously clean compared to the rest of the car. They denied everything tho. These are my first hand experiences, and reading the problems other tesla owners have, it’s pretty clear that quality, quality control and customer service is like dead last on the list.
I wonder if you can even smell the difference walking by.
Smoging was almost gone here too like 10 or so years ago. Now it seems like almost everyone is back to cigarettes. I haven’t been on a single date with a non smoker in probably 4 years. I know a guy who has a pretty stubborn g Form of cancer for years, but he would never stop smoking. Everyone is like: yeah it’s unhealthy and all, but i’m cool like that. I get that and i don’t care about your health, it’s gross and you are a walking littering machine. There has to be better ways to be unhealthy
I really do hope the eu doesn’t even negotiate with terrorists.