Did Trump and Vance think this embarrassing display made them look the better of the leaders?
Because it really didn’t.
Did Trump and Vance think this embarrassing display made them look the better of the leaders?
Because it really didn’t.
So what you’re saying is that life…uh… finds a way.
You’ve got four more years of the orange clown and then he’ll finally fuck off.
I hate everything to do with identity politics. All it has done is divide us even more and caused more conflict between ordinary people.
Seeing as I’d be dead either way, I’m not sure why I’d care.
Apart from against Jews. Lemmy is obsessed with the Jews.
We’re on Lemmy. No conversation on here or on any social media is likely going to “further society” in any way.
The point when it gets dark at 4pm in December is the worst.
You have other choices, yes, but it’s always going to be either the Democrat or the Republican that wins.
Like here in the UK, smaller parties get media coverage more so than in the US, but it’s still always going to be either Labour or the Conservatives that are forming a government, so they get the most coverage.
I think I blocked a bot once, if that counts.
But I don’t block people on any sites unless they start spamming me in DMs or whatever. I don’t see the point of blocking people otherwise.
Most political issues are a waste of time even trying to talk about on social media, because people on all sides love their echo chambers, and any reasonable argument from a different viewpoint is met with consternation, rather than a healthy debate.
The problem with the death penalty is largely down to potential miscarriages of justice.
What if they get the wrong person and some innocent is put to death? Do you really want the state to have that sort of power over its citizens?
Yes, why do you not?
This is a country where COVID originated and with a population of 1.4 billion, yet apparently only 5,272 people have died. They’re not great at telling the truth and are masters at propaganda.
This is an absurd statement that could only be made by someone unfamiliar with Marxism. The presence of markets do not mean that the system isn’t Socialist.
The profits from companies are retained by the companies. Isn’t the idea of socialism that the workers own the means of production and no companies profit? The Chinese economy is set up the exact opposite.
Lol. Firstly, China claims they’ve eradicated absolute poverty. Do you really believe that?
Secondly, China has opened its markets to the world and allowed a ton of private ownership and private companies to take on the global markets.
The only thing that isn’t capitalist about China is the word “Communist” in the ruling party.
The simple fact is that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty historically than anything else.
Is capitalism a perfect system? Of course it isn’t. But it’s the best one we’ve got.
laughs in British
Everything this guy said.
I’ve struggled with anxiety my whole life. But my anxiety is about things that I can control. I don’t worry about climate change, or wars or pandemics or whatever, because it’s pointless worrying about things that you can do literally nothing about.
I find paperbacks more comfortable. Though I have just bought a Kobo so I’ll probably be using that more soon.
I’ll have you know, Rockin’ All Over the World is a fine song.
I suppose it might go down well with some of his base who love the “macho” shit, but the rest of the world are looking on with disgust.
In some ways, this has probably worked out well for Ukraine, as it might focus minds in Europe. Though I do wish Zelenskyy had pointed out the $350bn in aid lie that Trump keeps spouting.