Ich würde die Rechten gerne wieder verlieren 😉
Ich würde die Rechten gerne wieder verlieren 😉
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Don’t make me feel bad about my beloved Helldivers!
You’re screwed, dude. That’s nothing you can easily fix. Most tips in this threat require you to do the whole room, as just fixing this one spot will most likely be pretty obvious.
Next time, try to use something broader and softer than a sheet of paper to dampen your couch’s feet - especially on wooden floor.
Helldivers 2
Schrödingers car. It’s at the same time the best and worst car you ever owned
Why not just get the newest one?
Over is the only acceptable way!
I can still hear the jumping sounds in my head! Thanks for the memory!
… and walks like a Nazi…
Thats a shame… I was planning to rewatch Zombieland and write down all the survival rules…
I’ve got you bro:
#1: Cardio - When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties.
#2: Double Tap - In those moments when you’re not sure the undead are really dead dead, don’t get all stingy with your bullets.
#3: Beware of Bathrooms - Don’t let them catch you with your pants down.
#4: Seatbelts - Fasten your seat belts. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
#5: No Attachments
#7: Travel Light - And I don’t mean just luggage.
#9: With Your Bare Hands
#10: Don’t Swing Low
#11: Use Your Foot
#13: Shake It Off
#14: Always Carry a Change of Underwear
#16: Opportunity Knocks
#17: Don’t be a Hero - Why don’t you take this one?
#17: Be a Hero - Some rules are made to be broken. (Rule updated)
#18: Limber Up - Going down that hill, it is very important.
#19: Break It Up
#20: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint, Unless It’s a Sprint, then Sprint
#22: When in Doubt, Know Your Way Out
#23: Ziploc™ Bags - You got enough problems, moisture shouldn’t be one of them.
#24: Use Your Thumbs
#25: Shoot First
#26: A Little Sunscreen Never Hurt Anybody
#27: Incoming!
#28: Double-Knot Your Shoes
#30: Pack Your Stain Stick
#31: Check the Back Seat - No one back there but my duffel bag.
#32: Enjoy the Little Things - I hate to give credit to anyone who looks like Yosemite Sam, but I’m writing it down.
#42: Keep Your Hands to Yourself - It’s just polite.
#52: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help - Yeah and they ignored rule 52: don’t be afraid to ask for help.
#53: Wet Naps
*Canal Culture.
Geht ja schließlich um Akten in WasserKANAL werfen ;)