I stopped listening to this nazi long ago because he doesn’t know anything about anything, including about himself.
I stopped listening to this nazi long ago because he doesn’t know anything about anything, including about himself.
protip: put bind -s 'set mark-symlinked-directories on'
in your ~/.bashrc
and also bind -s 'set completion-ignore-case on'
because why not :)
Use it and redshift anyway, what kind of exploitable vuln could possibly be found in it?
Prisons can’t break your laws if they’re not bound to your laws.
What about this one that you’re on right now?
That’s a much classier way of calling someone a digital hoarder :)
What makes you think I didn’t already download everything I want?
Good video!
Like you mentioned KDE Connect will sync your clipboard between Android and KDE. The KDE clipboard also has a history and you can run actions on clipboard entries which is super handy. I’m not sure about this snippets library, sounds like a permanent clipboard history that you can search, where the KDE one just keeps the last X copied things. I’d rather have my phone keyboard learn words I type a lot personally.
Repetition is key. If you do it enough you’ll remember it.
AI cryptocurrency miner
Read and do! If it’s just a toy you play with sometimes, you might find learning harder. I find that making it your daily driver will motivate you to improve and fix things and in doing that you’ll learn.
I replace Spectacle with Flameshot.
Endeavor uses yay and has tons of software. The only other package manager I knew before was apt, but learning yay is super easy. Yay by itself is like apt update; apt upgrade, yay package to search for and install a package, yay -Rns package to remove.
What kind of name is Lachlan?!
This was driving me absolutely crazy until I read the last paragraph! Adding an email alias is absolutely a 30 second fix, I’m sorry you had to work with such a shitty IT department.
I love KDE. It’s got easy to use power user features and is very robust.
Possibly, but that’s a much smaller project being run by 1 guy. Linux has a lot more people and reviews involved.
Well it’s clear whose side God is on.
I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you’re used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.