Please don’t refer to trump as the god-emperor. The 40k community has a hard enough rejecting idiots with no media literacy without people helping them associate the 40k world with their conservative delusions
Please don’t refer to trump as the god-emperor. The 40k community has a hard enough rejecting idiots with no media literacy without people helping them associate the 40k world with their conservative delusions
Yea 400k won’t happen, I could see something in the low millions being palatable to populace at large
The plan is stop supporting Ukraine and support Russia. You know this Zelenskyy…
Just because their parents are bad parents doesn’t mean there are regulations and restrictions… at the end of the day parents need to parent and so many are unwilling to do so.
I will mention I have no problem with nude beaches or public toplessness of both genders, religious prudishness has no place in the modern world
Yep, I want marketing to not exist. If your product or service is good then its reputation will stand on its own and spread via word of mouth. Billboards and ads should be criminal as they ruin our scenery and waste our time
Oh you sweet summer child
Good, maybe America can lower ours and use that for healthcare instead.
I can dream at least
Their defense is that they were literally using them as slaves by keeping them in slave quarters they can’t leave but we can’t call it forced slavery because they threw a couple euro coins in the cellar at the end of the day to call it wages
You’d die of some horrible malady surely
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Yea mine isn’t plug in either, still get mid 40s mpg though which is great. 600 miles on a tank is fantastic for an suv. I might’ve gotten plug in but the dealers didn’t want to or couldn’t answer any questions on them and really fet like they didn’t want to show/sell them
Nice, you just missed it then, congrats on having a non-annoying hybrid! See you at the pumps once a month or so
Must’ve been an addition on newer models then, I’ve heard it on a few others and the ford dealership says they have to have it. Some quick googling right before buying it brought up forums where ford owners figured out how to disable it though
Mines a 2021 escape, as soon as it’s put into reverse it has external beeps like a box truck to warn people since it’s in electric propulsion and makes almost no noise.
Apparently with a laptop and some time you can disable the loud ass reverse beeping Ford makes their hybrids do. Probably illegal but it’s super annoying sounding like a giant work truck to back up my escape and no cop is going to say anything if my car doesn’t beep since 99% of consumer cars don’t do it
Still not great
More like there isn’t a large enough solid left group to convince everyone to vote for. If all leftist split they vote amongst the several parties vying for it then the right win with their unified authoritarian parties
Small, but this was 3000 the day after the Election Day, gathered on a weekday and on short notice i would consider 3000 a good turnout.
Were you not around in 2008?
? I own a leaf and get 215 miles per charge… Plus for most peoples the 149 on the base model is fine to go to work and back daily
2020 leaf sv plus owner here. Range is 212 officially but when my car is full charge it tells me 215 iirc