So was it critical thinking that made you say that I needed testing? Obviously critical thinking is not your forte.
Are you against regulations? That’s fine. I happen to support regulations.
What “disproven or intentional vagueries” have I said?
So was it critical thinking that made you say that I needed testing? Obviously critical thinking is not your forte.
Are you against regulations? That’s fine. I happen to support regulations.
What “disproven or intentional vagueries” have I said?
feeling is mutual.
Winding back to my first post. The Olympic committee has to decide. Decisions shouldn’t be adhoc.
Athletes spend time and effort. They shouldn’t have to prepare for a competition where they will be expelled.
Whatever the decision is the Olympic committee should make it and not run away from contested issues.
Whatever that decision is the Olympic committee should expand rules and regulations to cover edge cases. Decisions shouldn’t be adhoc. It’s not like we didn’t know about hunan genetic makeup before this Olympics.
Right. I was replying to a comment about trans athletes.
We should expect Rules and regulations regarding a cis woman. The Olympic committee should either allow them as is or lay out specific rules. Decisions cannot be adhoc.
9If that wiki page is correct, then chromosome testing should be done. Was the testing done? What were the results? If it was not done, then why not?
How is women fighting women in a sport discriminatory against women?
This the Olympics. What they do in their country is their problem. If trans was illegal in that country why would they want to highlight that issue by selecting that athlete. Makes no sense.
So how do we fix that problem? Stay the course, or try to do something now so that our children are better off?
Unlike the tanks, all they need is one nuke to work. 1 out of 5000.
At some point poison pill may become an option for someone desperate.
We have regulations for just about anything but not gender in Olympics?
Olympic committee should put forward specific classification rules for woman and man in a binary sporting event.
It’s a Olympic committee problem not an athlete problem. Don’t let them sweep this issue under the rug.
To some the future is more important than the present. For others the present is more important.
To each their own.
Yo mean xxy?