The problem with many ethical delimmas is time. Inaction, whether intentional or introduced by debating what is ‘right’ can still cause harm.
“If we wait around long enough, this problem will no longer be a problem.” -Many medical ethics boards
The problem with many ethical delimmas is time. Inaction, whether intentional or introduced by debating what is ‘right’ can still cause harm.
“If we wait around long enough, this problem will no longer be a problem.” -Many medical ethics boards
Allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats
Bun, brat, mustard, sourkraut. If there is a pack of malt vinegar in the drawer, that too.
Fort Polk not listed because they’re that bad.
The error on the screen tells you exactly what is wrong in plain English… But you got impatient and clicked past it.
MSI - Stupid MF
Hilux does all the things people wish the cyber truck could do.
The handcuffs on the people sitting on the curb are free. You can just unlock them and keep them.
When it breaks, it isn’t always obvious or easy to fix, but can cause problems for anything that has to talk to anything else. The biggest thorn it puts in my side is that short names [ThisPC] are served differently than fqdn [ThisPC.MyDomain.com]. Does NotMyApp use short or FQDN to resolve other machines? I don’t find out until the Wireshark.
This isn’t just limited to people of Mexican ancestry. If you (or anyone else) can fill in the following blank, you can be targeted under the same process: “My family has _______ heritage.”