I think that’s a part of it. They’re also usually the ones who are likely to end up being longer-term residents so they’re more invested.
I don’t mind chatting, but usually when a I’m outside my apartment I’m in the process of doing something. Personally I hate getting trapped in small talk when I’m just trying to spend 60 seconds to take my trash out or walk to my car.
Nope. Neighbors in apartments change far too frequently for various reasons - life changes, rent hikes, property issues, etc. It very rarely seems worth the time to invest in a potential acquaintanceship. The only people that ever seem to be eager to be friends in my experiences end up being the elderly and the younger folks anyway.
It also makes it far more awkward when you have to eventually have a neighborly conversation and ask them to not leave their trash in the hallway or keep their volume down or something else minor.
My Vet thinks my cats name is Oliver. He doesn’t know that though and responds only to ‘Cat’
This hurts and is very relatable. I hope you’re not waiting too much longer.
It’s really exhausting to the point that first dates feel like I’m interviewing them.
If it’s a first date, you are interviewing them. I’m sorry it feels exhausting for you though.
Ours gets a single can of wet food(the smaller fancy feast ones) for dinner and then about a quarter cup of dry kibble spread out in 3 smaller meals throughout the day(by an automatic feeder). He’s a former fat cat though so he’s on a strict diet and not allowed to graze.
I’ve tried Google’s suggestion of water/vinegar and a bit of dish soap in a bottle, but they don’t seem to go for it at all.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I always thought this method was only geared for fruit flies, not houseflys.
Flypaper strips can be effective depending on the severity and location of the issue and are fairly cheap. It won’t be 100% effective, but it might help. Just be very careful about where you place it if you have any pets or children.
I haven’t had a chance to listen to the new album, but it’s a bit sad to hear it went in a poppier direction.
Honestly though, Worlds is a masterpiece that was created as pushback against the EDM trends of the time when it was released. It’s not necessarily unfair comparison, but it is a recipe for disappointment if that’s what you’re going to use as your baseline for all new music.
No. I think it’s a cat.
I just want to say - I sincerely appreciate you! You’re a nice person, internet stranger, and I hope you are having a good day.
Jokes on you. I’m the Grey Fox and you’ll never catch me!
The term has nothing to do with Tiananmen square and it’s usage actually predates the massacre by almost 40 years.