It’s been discussed in other comments that because Google is A/B testing their old maps model against a new AI model that only some people are experiencing it. It’s probably only being tested in some areas.
It’s been discussed in other comments that because Google is A/B testing their old maps model against a new AI model that only some people are experiencing it. It’s probably only being tested in some areas.
They’re very supportive when you need it because that’s their job. They’re being nice to you so the boss doesn’t have to be. Imagine instead of an entire department dedicated to preventing you from taking your boss to court, there was no such department. The world boss actually has to treat his employees with respect, for a change. HR are not your friends, police are not your friends. Anyone who’s job it is to hold you back is not your friend.
Here’s my best answer:
elrik had breakfast for breakfast.
Although I have to admit that I hesitated for quite a while. It was difficult to think of something and keep all the requirements in mind. Alas, I am only human, lol.
I think you’ve found your answer.
deleted by creator
Robotics can be dangerous, don’t jump into the deep end of robotics without learning how to use electronics first. Definitely start with electronics and move up to robotics once you have a lot of electronic failures under your belt. I would suggest that you keep robotics in mind as you learn.
Many people provided you with great places to start with electronics. Start there, because robotics are electronics with motion and that’s more dangerous. Motion can hurt someone or start a fire. Especially for as a hobby I’d be most concerned about accidentally starting a fire because of bad code and poor failure planning.
If you pick this up and get some experience with electronics, you’ll begin to understand a lot of the things that can go wrong with robotics before they start a fire. Also this can get very expensive, you will destroy components. It’s inevitable. I may be speaking from experience.
Yeah she did, and you started another comment thread in this post about it. Talk about it there. You don’t need to railroad every conversation into trying to convince people that Harris is a monster. Let other people talk about other stuff from time to time.
Dude read the room. You’ve railroaded a ton of threads to talk about Harris and Israel. You don’t have to force every conversation into that. Let this comment thread be about something else.
All of them, but I’m also unemployed and looking for work. I can’t let me not answering my phone to be the reason I get passed over for a job. More often than not it’s a spam call but I can’t afford to let an opportunity for an interview go. It sucks, before this I would barely answer the phone for known contacts. If it can be said on the phone it can be said in text, in far fewer words too.
I’m reading that right now and it’s fantastic! I was reading a horror series that just got too bleek, a friend recommended The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet and I’m really enjoying it. I’m a slow reader so it takes me a while to get through a book but I’m definitely going to finish this one.
Not really, but sort of? So it is wise to use a mild antiseptic after you shave, even if you don’t get irritated skin. Realistically if you’re wallet isn’t packed it can be one of the first things to go, easy.
I recently had the realization that I’ve just been putting up with Windows bullshit forever recently when a friend asked me for help with their work PC. They’re a Mac user, but they just started working from home and have been provided a Windows laptop. They sent me a bunch of rushed texts when their headset stopped working. They changed the default audio device after they launched the program. Which never works on a Windows PC. I never have that problem because I have just learned to live with it, I don’t even think about it anymore.
Now I’m really starting to notice all the little things I put up with from Windows on my machine. To be fair my Linux machine is just as janky but at least I can say I made it that way. I keep telling myself to ‘tidy’ my Linux machine up but I never do, it still plays games just fine. Usually. If I didn’t fuck with it.
Welcome to the truth about university. It gives you more debt than you can handle, and a job that doesn’t pay enough.
¿Por que no los dos?
We are horrified by our ancestors actions because we’re different than them, we don’t understand them. We have the benefit of hindsight and can see the results of their actions. We put ourselves into their world and view it with our standards of today, because we don’t want to think we could do the same now that we know better. I can be horrified by the actions of someone in the past but also know that the further back into the pastI look the less I understand of history people.
As I have gotten older, I have learned to realize that there are people who can not forgive and can not forget. They are the most negative-nellies, and will judge you and most likely themselves bad for just being human. I still listen to them, that’s basic human respect. I don’t let their words tear me down, that’s basic self respect.
“What we got here is, a failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach.” - Cool Hands Luke.
Some piece of very modern technology that floats. I think Wilson in the movie represents Hank’s character’s last grasp at a shred of civilization, so he holds onto it as hard as he can. My first idea was an e-ink tablet with an author’s face on it, but that’s a little too on the nose. Maybe it should be something that reflects how much more reliant we are on our modern conveniences than we were during the original.
Edit: Raycon earbuds. He calls them Ray and if you’re lucky that might also bring in some sponsorship money
They are not the only person who uses the words for each other. When I was doing my undergrad I found that myself and my fellow students used them pretty loosely goosey. As a native English speaker I’ve never had any difficulty telling which way a speaker intended labor and work to mean. The context provided enough. I can see how for people who are not native English speakers, but this isn’t an academic institution. In casual conversation either or are appropriate.
Foundations by Isaac Asimov. It’s a great story but it’s a tough read. Way better as an audiobook.