Can you elaborate on what the Finns did exactly? Or point me in the right direction. I just want to understand the parallel.
Yeah, haha
Actually, I forgot I did get it to work, I just can’t figure out how to use it. Lol
And can’t find a guide either.
One wiggly finger or two?
I haven’t been able to get dual finger swiping to work on my heliboard.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Ensure that your wife’s credentials are accepted here. I know people who were nurses in the US and couldn’t work as one here because their accreditation wasn’t seen as valid.
I’d only use windows for gaming really, wouldn’t running it in a VM be less optimal in that vase? In terms of performance of windows and playing fames within the VM.
Thanks for your input!
Does having Linux and Windows on seperate drives mitigate this issue somewhat?
Wanting to start dual booting and moving to windows. Wondering if that helps at all.
Edit: I meant moving to Linux… >.>
It’d be nice if they’d provide a clip of these exchanges or timestamps. Video is just better to share with the people that need to see this.