The slavery helps, too
The slavery helps, too
Qin or Qing? Because those two dynasties are separated by about 2000 years. For reference, this is the guy depicted and he was a legalist of the state of Qin. He’s a pretty interesting dude, with the foundational work for Chinese legalism being attributed (at least in part) to him.
Also he was executed by being torn into pieces, which is pretty metal.
I mean, there’s an infrastructure problem that’s worth considering. With low enough population density, it could become no longer feasible or worth it to maintain large-scale, country/globe spanning infrastructure projects such as power grids or undersea fiber optic networks. This infrastructure didn’t matter much a few thousand years ago, but it’s pretty critical now, so the same rules don’t necessarily apply.
I don’t know how likely I consider this outcome to actually be, as you’d need a very steep decline, but it’s at least worth keeping in mind.
Honestly I don’t give a fuck if I get nuked, but only so long as it lands directly on me. At that point it is definitively not my problem anymore lmao
I’ll just keep running up the hours so as to improve your relative health, dw king.
~4000 across several accounts.
I am deeply unwell
Still New England though, fwiw
Obviously. The point the person was making was to say that even if we buy into the bullshit narrative that this was consensual, it still doesn’t make sense. They didn’t use incorrect terms to skirt around it, they were making a specific point about their claims.
Ukraine’s constitution forbids an election during a state of emergency. This isn’t him overriding precedent, this is codified into law.
Brother it’s really not that deep. It’s not like I’m casting a moral judgement, I’m just voicing a pet peeve of mine lol
I know it’s nitpicking, and I apologize, but this is a pet peeve of mine. Grammatically, it’s either ‘what I look like’ or ‘how I look’ but it’s never ‘how I look like’.
Pupils went the wrong way
Yeah that’s a perverse incentive if I’ve ever heard one
Bang on. You don’t make someone your bodyguard without trusting them, so this guy is a good pick from the perspective of maintaining power as an autocrat.
Need me an entwife stat
This is Morrowind and Shivering Isles erasure smh
Breton atronach mage, my goat 🙌🏻
I was more referring to the nation as a whole, but that’s reassuring to hear!