To be fair, it looks like a normal mac and cheese with extra cheese slices melted on top- you can see the sauce when you zoom into the pasta
To be fair, it looks like a normal mac and cheese with extra cheese slices melted on top- you can see the sauce when you zoom into the pasta
Pretty much the only true ones are the ones about large webbing or orange/yellow field spots, because they indicate a watermelon that’s left to ripen for longer, but between natural variability and improved farming techniques, there’s no certainty.
I’m not sure to what extent it’s actually manifesting differently or being masked better than institutional bias against the idea of women having ADHD - diagnoses are about 3x more rare for women…
Dieticians recommend drinking as much water as you think your body needs (if you feel thirsty, drink water) - people in environments with less sweating will need less water than those in environments with high sweating, not to mention dietary sources of water.
💖💖💖💖💖ad infinitum- my love of girl bulge is vast, but my hatred of capitalism and imperialism, and more so capitalist imperialism, is infinite.
Honestly? A major breakthrough in fusion, or to a lesser extent, any other clean energy. We’ve decarbonised a decent chunk of the world’s energy profile, but there’s a strong financial incentive that politicians are vulnerable to protecting oil and gas, slowing down further decarbonisation. Batteries and supercapacitors also could do the trick.
Why do I see numerous suspicious deaths of various government officials in the future? I wonder…
Nonetheless, it is hopefully an excellent Forrest step in tackling the various organised crime syndicates of the world.
I never submitted any of my 10th or 12th grade reports on time, since I found them excessively tedious. And virtually all of my assignments in uni were completed last minute.
A lot of symptoms associated with ADHD make procrastination more likely
Snore and Sleep Talk are useful moves indeed
Shocked, I tell you, shocked
I have to admit, the US’s policies are probably destroying what little credibility it has in the Global South, showing that the so-called “rules based international order” is not worth the air it is spoken with…
Protests only work if they’re disruptive. Otherwise, people just ignore them and move on.