Currently using the latter
Currently using the latter
I keep having issues with it
I switched to Ubuntu and KDE connect works perfectly with it!
Tried KDE connect, and it works perfectly
The cold hard truth :'(
I tried to upload a screenshot when creating this post, but it seems there is an issue with the instance I’m on, so I just tried uploading it to Imgur instead so here you go, and oh scaling is set to 1x (there is only 1x which is the default and 2x which I tried today, but it made all the UI elements and text too big and yep I’m not using the same fonts for comparison and I don’t think it is as simple to install and use the font used by win 10 and/or 11, and honestly I do not know if using Microsoft font going to fix this issue or not
screenshot these all are the default settings except maybe for Hinting
You know I just thought about sharing my entire piracy bookmark folder (while excluding some subfolders and/or sites) on Brave Android, is there any way to do so?
Tried ftp servers before, too slow