Calculator Manipulator
How is this bloody test thread popping up in someone’s feed yearly? 😱
To those of you who come to the comment section for a take and see the dust biting comment - relax. Read the article.
The far-right Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party was excluded from the government talks
This EU, not far-rightistan across the pond.
I’ve learnt something today!
It’s a nice, even heartwarming story. It does feel a bit like that tv presenter protesting at the beginning, though.
Thanks for a genuine laugh!
Yea, it’s a constant battle. FWIW - try getting the important people onto signal. I use molly client and it has its own mechanism to sync messages in real time, or at least close enough to real time that I haven’t noticed.
One of the unexpected benefits of running grapheneos is that shit like whatsapp can’t cope without having play services available and, as such, doesn’t really do real time notifications. It still checks in every now and then, but that’s definitely bettee than it working “properly”.
Serves as a reminder that there’s always someone faster than you!
Is this from Tokyo Vice?
No, cardboard is out of the question. Same for paper.
What peace deals were those? Must’ve missed them.
So… it’s a hack, but it’s not been hacked?
Come the fuck on, BBC, you can do better.
Edit: actually - it will. Not the image itself, but the representation of it on any reasonable screen.
I’m intrigued to see the crossover of it getting too pixelated to gain enough votes vs the vote requirement!
Most of them.
Debian world - apt sucks. For something with a sole purpose of resolving a dependency tree, it’s surprisingly bad at that.
Redhat world - everything is soooo old. I can see why business people like it, buy I rarely, if ever, agree with business people.
Opensuse world - I’ve only tried it once, probably 15 years ago. Didn’t really know my way around computers all that much at the time, but it didn’t click and I’ve left it. Later on I found out about their selling out to Microsoft and never bothered touching it again.
Arch - it was my daily for a year or two. Big fan. It still runs my email. At some point the size of packages started to annoy me, though. Still has the best wiki. I’ve never really bothered with the spinoffs, as the model of Arch makes them useless and more problematic to deal with.
I’ve got the Gentoo bug now. For the first time I genuinely feel ~/
. A lean, mean system of machines :)
Why is this a surprise, exactly?
Thank you, comrade krasnov. Go to hell, asshole.