We need regime change in the USA. The global community should work together for this endeavor.
We need regime change in the USA. The global community should work together for this endeavor.
The group Israel famously chemicaly castrated.
Oh, i see, you where always a bag of air. cool cool.
Oh? Well that clears them of all guilt!
Sweden just opened up for the AR styled rifles with big magazines as “Hunting” rifles in 23. With the scant information that has come out so far, it seams likely it was this sort of rifle.
On what? On how much better you think Bidens and Harris support to Israels genocide was? I would prefer you’ve stop rationalizing genocide.
They where some bad lads, folks.
Him being the opposition was apparently good enough. Never mind that he was a Russian nationalist that definitely supports the annexation of Ukraine and the ethnic cleansing of Caucasians. A real meat old boss, same as old boss situation.
I read it as a jab of the religious right in Israel that in large part are the die-hard supporters of the genocide and use do scripture as justification. However, I have to agree with that the post is wide open for other interpretations, including antisemitic ones. So it’s not a good post.
But all this “Woe is me” stuff i don’t get at all.