I’m a US citizen. Please kick us out. The more countries that take concrete action against us that actually hurt us the more likely congress and the voters are to stand up to Trump.
I’m a US citizen. Please kick us out. The more countries that take concrete action against us that actually hurt us the more likely congress and the voters are to stand up to Trump.
Neat. I know almost nothing about the the Higgs field.
Because this is a science thread I’ll be a bit pedantic. Mostly because I think it’s an interesting topic. It’s a mass-energy equivalence (≡) and not just an equality (=) they are the same thing.
So it’s meaningless to say convert mass into energy. It’s like saying I want to convert this stick from being 12 inches long to being 1 foot long.
You can convert matter (the solid form of energy) into other types of energy that are not solid. But the mass stays the same.
It’s like when people say a photon is massless. It has energy and therefor mass. It just has no rest mass. So from the photons frame of reference no mass but from every other fame of reference there is mass.
My old school had a scale model of the solar system. It used the same scale for the planets size and distance. The sun was a 12" ball on one end of campus. Around campus were poles with little glass domes on top inside were tiny pins with little planet models on them.
So humans vision is much more sensitive to green than other colors. it’s why camera sensors are 50% green 25% red 25% blue. Which makes sense as being able to detect small differences in plant cover is useful in both detecting predators and prey.
If humans had more flat color detection range we woulda actually be able to see that the sky is purple and not blue.
I wasn’t old enough but am glad I saw it (kinda). What is old enough for that movie anyway? Has anybody lived that long?
Back in highschool my friend managed to set his family pc’s desktop to an animated gif of a woman getting a facial.
I got the most desperate phone call asking me to come over and help. I showed up and set it to normal about 1 min before his mom came home.
Before I knew any of the horrible stuff about him I still couldn’t get into his books. There is a focus on style and tone at the expense of narrative and plot. That just doesn’t work for me at all.
There is a big difference between knowing a persons reputation and knowing their actions. Sometimes a person with a bad rep does small things you pick up on that reinforces the feeling. But you still don’t actually know enough to accuse them.
It’s a big deal accusing a powerful person. They are usually going to deny it and people are going to ask for proof. If all you have is rumors and a feeling it only hurts you.
It took several women coming forward with what happened to them to get the public on their side. Imagine trying to accuse him when all you had was rumors.
When I was about to graduate high school a uncle in law told me to make sure I pick a college with a football team I’m comfortable rooting for for the rest of my life.
Makes sense. He wasn’t bringing them with him. Knowing you were being left behind makes capturing him and trying to trade him to the rebels for amnesty tempting.
His party didn’t show preventing the 2/3 of parliament required for the vote to be held. They are planning on trying again Wed.
So if they show up the vote happens and he probably goes down. If they don’t show up they don’t get to vote on anything.
There was a deliberate movement to reclaim that word. Similar to black people using the N word. It also rhymes with here. “We’re here. We’re queer. Get used to it” was a big rallying cry in the 90s.
CRT displays. The day I replaced my old CRT with a LCD I thought I hope I never use one of these again.
Occasionally in response to things like floods and other disasters. Though then it’s usually local and short lived.
Yeah but what they are going to do is make sure they get those protections back. They aren’t going to get better.
Baguette, butter, brie.
Could be. Grateful and understanding does describe my two trans friends. However they we friends before they transitioned. So the relationship was established and they knew I cared about them.
I knew one for ten years before they transitioned. So yeah I try not to dead name them but it takes time to adjust. For me it took about 2 years before I didn’t think of their old name and have to adjust it before speaking.
I was talking about them with a mutual friend at a party. Someone I don’t know yells at me from across the room “we don’t use that name here.” I’m better friends with them then you and you just made the entire party aware of their status.
Maybe it’s just the people who make it a big deal publicly and like to challenge people. They tend to be the most noticeable in the community.
Yeah I support trans rights. If you are consistent I’ll use your preferred pronouns. I don’t care what bathroom people use. Health care is between you and your doctor. I only care about what genitals you have if we are going to be doing things with each others genitals.
That said so many trans people are complete assholes about it. I’m on your side but fuck so many of you are annoying jerks.
I remember when gays started coming out of the closet and they handled it better. Polite but firm about being treated fairly. The trans community is making more foes then friends the way they are acting.
It looks like 40K is leaking again.